27. Kate's birthday

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The bright beam of sun that slithered through the curtains decided to shine right into Kate's eyes.
She groaned as she awoke, knowing that it was early as the sky was still a shade of blush pink.
The blinding ray was unrelenting and Kate admitted to her fate and got out of bed.
After showering, now was the most important decision of the day.
The birthday outfit.
A birthday outfit was one of the most quintessential parts of one's day. It was the one day of the year you get the most attention so you have to look flawless.

After 10 minutes of deliberation, she'd finally decided on a white corset-esque ribbed top, with black lining. Pairing that with a black pleated skirt, ruffled white socks and black loafers. Finally, her earrings and lavender necklace.
Kate had decided she looked nice and presentable.
Knowing she had some free time because of everyone sleeping in because of their hangovers, Kate made her way down to the common room with a book and filled the first hour of her day with a calming reading session in the little nook in the window.
The summer at Hogwarts was pleasant, the grass and trees were bright green and smelled fresh and floral. The birds tweeted and sang which could be heard faintly through the windows.

People had finally risen from the dead, some looking more corpse like than the others. Sleuthing down to eat breakfast after either being the one's drinking or being kept awake by the loud drinkers.
Kate had been absorbed into her book when Lily walked down to the bottom of the common room stairs and waved to Kate.
"Kate, cmon." Lily ran back up the stairs and Kate laughed at her excitement.

"Happy birthday!" They all shouted as she opened the door to the bedroom. She was in shock, the room had balloons thrown around the ceiling, and a pile of presents were laid out neatly on her bed.
"Finally the big 17!" Alice said happily clapping her hands.
"Alice! Quiet!" Marlene groaned and rubbed her temples and scrunched her face.
"Sorry." Alice apologised with a small smile.
"How drunk did you guys get?" Kate laughed as she looked at her friends absolute wrecked faces and messy bed head.
"Very." Dorcas groaned. "And then you told us to drink for you."
"I don't remember that." Kate feigned innocence.
"You definitely did." Marlene argued.
"Mmm." Kate hummed. "I'm not sure."
"Enough of this. Open your presents!" Lily squealed.

Kate excitedly ripped open the wrapping of the countless presents she had gotten from her lovely friends.
From Alice she had gotten a new apron with small multicoloured flowers all over it.
From Lily she had gotten a special edition of Jane Eyre, with a different cover to the original that sat on her bookshelf.
From Dorcas she got a new Smiths vinyl for her record player at her flat.
Finally from Marlene she got a set of heart earrings and matching rings.
Kate couldn't be happier.

"Thank you so so much guys." Kate said and hugged each of her friends one by one.
"My baby is all grown up." Marlene said and wiped a fake tear as Kate hugged her.
"Your birthday was a month ago." Kate deadpanned,
but then laughed at her dramatics.
"So as we only have like a week left in this place, we're going to have your party while we're at Alice's beach house." Lily explained.
"That's fine." Kate replied. "Hey, you guys didn't tell me that James's lot were also coming.'
"Didn't we?" Alice looked confused.
"Ah sorry." Alice apologised.

"Oh my god!" Marlene exclaimed.
"What?" The rest of them asked in sync.
"We need to get new bikinis."
"Jesus Marlene. You scared me." Dorcas said with a hand on her chest.
"Sorry. But we've got to look hot, it's a beach holiday!"
"We'll go this weekend." Lily said and sat down on her bed.

Kate couldn't be happier than she was. It was the best birthday, with the best friends, and the best presents and the best birthday outfit.
"Your boobs look great in that top, by the way." Alice said to Kate.


James was walking through the corridors absent mindedly, reminiscing in the castle that he was to leave in a couple of weeks to go and live in the real world, with jobs and adult things.
Then he saw the woman of the hour also walking alone.
"Kate!" He shouted down the corridor and ran to catch up with her. "Hey, how's your birthday been."
"It's been great." Kate replied with a smile and the two began to walk together.
"So where are you headed?" He asked.
"Up to the astronomy tower, I'm going to watch the sunset." She explained, looking up at James and smiled. "You can come with."

He watched Kate lean over the railings as her hair blew to one side in the wind.
"I love it up here." Kate said and span around leaving on the railing. She was wearing the necklace and he smiled at her.
"Are you not doing anything tonight?"
"No we're going to have a party at the beach house." She said and looked out to the sky once more. "I'm so excited for the holiday, it's going to be so fun."
"Me too." James laughed and stood next to Kate.

The air was awkward and tense, the two of them not really knowing what to talk about. They stood in a silence looking out at the sky when James remembered.
"I'm sorry, I didn't get you anything." He muttered to the sky.
"It's fine, I didn't expect you to." She looked over to him and shook her head.
"But you got me-" Kate cut him off.
"It doesn't matter, I don't want anything." Kate reassured him, smiling at his stupidity.
"Are you excited to graduate?" James asked.
"God yes. I already have a flat so I'm sorted for housing. What do you want to do in the future?"
"I want to be an aurour, I love the danger. You?" He asked once again.
"I want to open my own cafe."
"That would be great."

James got lost in his head then. The future entered his mind. Him and Kate, together, her running her cafe baking to her hearts desire. Him being and aurour and coming back to see her after every mission.
He wanted that. He wanted that most out of everything. She had captured his heart and stolen it away from him keeping it locked up.
But did she want him too?


an/ heyyy!
sorry for the gap between updates, I've unfortunately been throwing up and busy all week :(. Updates will probably be slower atm because of school catch up and homework.
However i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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