(V1) Interlude/Bonus Chapter 2 - Fight For What I Want/Rocket Punch

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Kiyo's POV :

Space Magic : Dimension Home

I was teleported to an unknown place with Ichinose because of Dio's promise. Like Ichinose, I looked around to know in what place I was. To our surprise, we were in a room like those in our dormitory. This room doesn't have any design or anything. To be exact, it's like our room on our first day of school. There are some things here and there, mostly books or common stuff. Just like my room.... Wait...

I move towards the cabinet to confirm my suspicion, and yeah... it has my clothes..

Kiyo : " Are we... in my room? " I hesitantly asked in confusion

Ichinose : " Eh? But I guess... it really look like Ayanokoji-kun's room... " she said with her index finger pressed in her cheek, making a wondering pose

I went to the kitchen to double-check and just like what I expected, it had my things before we went to our special exam. Even the arrangements are the same.

Kiyo : " This is really my room... "

Ichinose : " Really?! Are we back on Earth? " she said in bewilderment

I doubt Dio would do something like this, but since I'm also curious, I open the door to see...nothing. The hallway is nowhere to be found, even the sky and trees. I mean nothing. So we're just in a different dimension where my room is replicated.

Ichinose : " I never thought that I would experience these kinds of fantasy things that I only see in manga. " She said with a hint of excitement

I guess I don't have to tell her what I see.

After a minute of silence, I walked to the kitchen and planned on brewing coffee.

Kiyo : " How about you sit on the bed and I'll start brewing something to drink. Which one you w- ... Cocoa, right? "

She gave me first a smile after a slight shock and soon started moving towards here and not towards the bed...sigh..

Kiyo : " You don't have to help me, I can do this simple thing by myself. "

She stops and seems to want to say something but soon gives up and she give me an affirmative nod.

After a few minutes, I went to the bedroom with a coffee and cocoa in hand. I place them on the table and Ichinose immediately gives me her gratitude. We drink it in silence, not talking nor looking at each other, just drinking in a pleasant silence. It's been noisy in my surroundings in the last several hours so this is a good change of pace and Ichinose seems to be liking it too.

We continue this for a few more minutes until our cup is empty. Even though we're done drinking, no conversation started. Soon I tried to start the conversation but just like always, she's the one who started it...

Ichinose : " I always believe that Ayanokouji-kun is someone amazing and those videos prove that. Not to mention, Dio-sama said that those were just the tip of the iceberg. "

Kiyo : " He's just praising me too much. "

Ichinose : " chuckles, you don't have to humble yourself, Ayanokoji-kun. To be honest, I want you to show me your confident side... I mean, that side of you..."

Kiyo : "...Are you sure? I'm not really proud of showing that to others. Morally, that's a bad personality. "

Ichinose : " I guess..but that's you, right? Your true self.. however you said something about that was not really you nor the one we always see... that you're just an empty husk.."

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