1955 sumner Mississippi

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During 1955, Carolyn Bryant claims her and Juanita were in the apartment behind the store. Juanita told reporters that she was babysitting in Greenville, Mississippi. But did say Carolyn borrowed her and her husband's car while Juanita babysat her children.

Juanita claims that when Emmett Till went into the store, she'd been 'insisted' that ' I would not have been babysittin for her'
If Juanita Milam was "at the store" she would've never been babysitting the children, and where would the children be if Juanita wasn't there but at the "store" with Carolyn the night Till came into the store.
The story of Carolyn claiming Juanita was there at the store is vivid, and not true. Carolyn borrowed the Milams' car and Juanita was in Greenville when Carolyn was at the shop, when Till came in.

Besides the fact that Carolyn changed her story so much about Till, and other things, she later met with a book author
Timothy B Tyson , she told Tyson none of that was true, and said 'Nothing that boy did can  justify what happened to him.'
No matter how Carolyn Bryant has changed up her stories about the night Emmett till allegedly 'whistled' at her and made 'lewd' acts toward her, Carolyn Bryant is very guilty of her own crime by being an accomplice of 14 year old Emmett Till's murder.
Now from then on, Carolyn Bryant has been hidden and found on a secret hidden life, the ex wife of Roy Bryant remains hidden by media.
Carolyn Bryant has made public attention ever since the killing of Emmett Till, in August of 1955.

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