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I'm sitting in biology class, quite tired but still paying attention to the teacher. She's talking about biochemistry. That's the easiest one there is... 

"Lizzy, tell me, what are the chemical elements that form most of the living biological matters?" 

She looks at the teacher as if she had never seen a dummer person in her life before, "Miss Nolan, that is such an easy question!" she giggles and so does her little posse of minions as she flips her long strawberry blond hair over her shoulder, then looks back to Miss Nolan. 

"Air." Lizzy states as if she has never been more sure of anything in her life. I have never seen anyone with a grin as big as hers. 

Her grin quickly falters as everyone starts laughing. 

The teacher recovers first and looks at me, nodding. 

I stand up, "The chemical elements that form most of the molecules of living beings are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen." 

She nods and I sit back down, but not without noticing the glare Lizzy shoots at me. Get a grip Lizzy! Geez, DRAMA QUEEEEEEN!! 

She should really find a different hobby. Bullies don't come far- "Miss Avery Garcia, come to the principal's office at once." The announcement was coming from the speakers. 

Oh shit... this can't be good. 

And here come the whispers. Seriously... people should mind their own beeswax. They never will, so no use trying to make them. 

"Does daddy need his little girl?" 

"Such a daddy's girl." 

"She never gets in trouble just cause her dad's the principal." 

"I heard, her dad fires every teacher that doesn't give her an A..." 

Obviously all lies. 
But they don't know that... They believe what they want to believe and I can't change it.                  If only they knew... 

I ignore the other comments that fly through the room, grab my bag and walk out the door. 

Yesterday, Luca and I talked about the Italians for a long time. He told me some inside information which included the assassins they were looking to hire and I gotta say I started laughing as I read through their list. 

All the assassins on their list were not even close to good. A few of them even got caught not long after the first few kills because they couldn't cover their tracks well enough. Amateurs. I mean they can't even call themselves assassins because they broke the two main rules: 1- Never reveal your identity to anyone and 2- Never. Get. Caught. 

But then, I don't know why my head came up with this stupid/genius idea but why doesn't Domino aka. me, apply  for the job. Except, we obviously don't apply for shit! 
I know... I don't beg for jobs. 
Jobs beg for me! 

So Luca and I conducted a plan where he would recommend Domino to the idiotic Italians, who are clearly on a suicide mission, and then they will try to contact me. I don't know why I wasn't in their list.... oh right, I am impossible to find. Therefore when I get the job, I am already on the inside and I can see for myself how the douche-bag I'm supposed to marry is and how good of a leader he might be. Yeah! Let's kill the competition! AHHHHHHHH- 
Hey chill, that's not happening. Yet. 

I jump back to the present as I bump into a door. Oh just perfect... already there. 

I open the door and the secretary, Matilda, greets me with a smile. 
"Hey Tilly, how are you?" I smile at her. 

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