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I arrive at the warehouse. 

When I enter, all my members lower their heads. I might be three times younger than them but they know my power and what I can and will do to them if they fuck something up. And they fuck quite a lot of things up. It gets depressing sometimes... 

Joe greets me and leads me to the basement, where we keep our 'guests'. 
Oh, I just love the sound of people screaming and begging for their lives, oh and this smell of blood... is just to die for. Ha-ha. Hilarious. 

I enter a cell with a guy that looks like he's in his mid-twenties, tied to a chair. He has light brown hair which is messy, I assume it wasn't before, and his head hangs low. 
He has a few bruises, but not enough. You are right. These are the times the voice inside my head assists me and acts like the friend I need, it also thinks a lot like me. 

"Get me two buckets with ice cold water and make sure there is a lot of ice inside" Joe nods and walks away. After two minutes he comes back with my buckets. I look at Joe and nod my head toward the stranger, he complies and empties a bucket on the man. The stranger jolts awake, his eyes landing on me, he tries to hide it but I can see the fear in his eyes. Yeah, you better be scared, punk! 

"And what is your name?" I ask softly, picking up a machete from the weaponry table and walking towards him. "A-a-an-nd-dré-é" he stutters, eyeing the knife in my hand with caution. What a weakling... it's just pathetic. 

"Well, Andy, what were you doing sneaking around in my base?" I trace the tip of the sharp knife on his bare chest, going up to his shoulders. 
"Сезнең идарә итүегез бетәчәк. Без сезнең өчен киләбез!" he whispers but I could still hear it.
[Your reign will end. We are coming for you! -Tatar

I scoff, "Әлбәттә. Кем өчен эшлисез?" My voice is cold as I hold the knife to his neck.
[Sure you will. Who do you work for?

"Сез инде беләсез." he tilted his head, revealing his neck with a scar shaped like a snake.
[You already know.

The fucking Russsians... ugh they were always after me. I don't know why but I guess mostly because I as a 14-year-old could rise my mafia to be number 1, whereas they have a leader who is around the age of 50 and still can't beat me. 

He started laughing and I was getting annoyed. How the hell do they know where my base is?! 

I stab the dagger twice into his chest, watching the blood ooze out. 
Then I shoot him right between the eyes. God this was boring. Well, I'm not really in the mood today, okay! 


There is a knock on my door and Joe enters with Rom, my third in command. 

"Somehow the Italians found out where our base is located so we need a new one. I sent both of you the details about where it will be, how it should be built and who is to build it. Make sure none of this information is leaked." "Yes, boss" they nod and leave the room. 

After finishing off some paperwork, I drive back to the house and sneak back in. 

In my room, I quietly get changed into a pair of shorts and an oversized shirt. 


Just as I got on my bed, my father storms into my room "Where have you been." I hope he can't see my face because I think my body just jumped out of my skin. I am fruiting scared right now. 'Fruiting'? Seriously?  Hey, I don't want to be swearing all the time... 

"Wait, let me start with what you have done wrong... count with me" I nod silently when I see him take off his belt. 

"The food was disgusting and you made way too little" 
I hold up one finger. 
"The house isn't clean" 
"You went out of the house without permission" 
"You came back past midnight." 

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