Chapter 27

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Tristan's POV
When I found out Sienna was staying with some guy she apparently went out on a date with almost two years ago, I broke any and everything I could get my hands on.

It didn't just piss me off that he was playing house with my family, but that he seemed to be very familiar with my father. 

As soon as I found out about him, I had one of my men dig up as much information on him as they could. I was surprised when I couldn't find anything on him. The man was a ghost.

These past couple of months have felt like a complete waste of time. I still haven't located the person killing off my men. Marcellius and Javier have been trying to help me snuff out the fucking son of a bitch, but even they are having a hard time finding this guy.

Before I killed the guys who tried to attack me and my family while we were at the Zoo, I tortured them for hours and was left with nothing but a messy clean up. And now my father might be in cahoots with this ghost of a man.

Damn it! I just can't seem to catch a fucking break!

I'm sitting in the living room with Mateo in one hand and a warm bottle of breastmilk in the other, while silently waiting for Sienna to wake up from her nap so I can ask her who the hell this man is.

By the time I've burped Mateo and laid him down for the night, Sienna had finally woken up. She groggily walks into the bedroom just as I cover Mateo with the baby blanket from in his diaper bag.

Threading my fingers through his curls, I feel myself smile as I watch him sleep. He's so beautiful. I could stare at him forever.

"Papà ti ama, bambino mio(Daddy loves you, my baby boy)." He may not understand now, but I will make damn sure he knows I love him.

Standing up from my seated position on the edge of the bed, I silently curse in Italian when I feel a sharp pain in my rib cage.

I'm still in the midst of healing from when Sienna shot me. My mother keeps telling me to take it easy. But how can I with all this shit going on?

"Mi dispiace(I'm sorry)," Sienna mumbles, watching me clutch my side and wince in pain.

"Don't be."

She didn't need to apologize. I deserved it. I've done nothing but make her life hell. Besides, getting shot at by my son's mother was truly a wake up call for me.

I don't know why it took her shooting me to get me to pull my head out of my ass, but from now on I'm going to try my best to listen to her wants and needs.

Walking out into the hallway, I cross over into the bathroom. She follows suit, watching me struggle to unbutton my black dress shirt.

"Let me help you."

"No, I got it."

After fiddling with the shirt for almost a minute, a grunt of frustration leaving my lips, Sienna closes the gap between us and reaches to unbutton my shirt.

"I said I got it," I snap.

She ignores me, her fingers working to unbutton me out of my shirt. Her fingers brush my skin and I shudder.

She has no idea how much I've missed her. We were only apart for a few days this time, but even that felt like eternity.

I can smell the vanilla on her skin, my cock straining against my black dress pants as a result. Looking me in my eyes, she peels the cotton/polyester fabric off my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.

"Does it hurt?" She asks, eyeing my bullet wounds. I've been shot before, but these two seem to hurt the most.

"Yes," I answered honestly.

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