Chapter 19

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When I walked into the kitchen the next morning, I overheard some of the guys talking about what happened with me and Tristan in the hallway.

They immediately stopped talking when they noticed that I had been listening to them laugh and make filthy remarks about me.

But even upon seeing me, the perverted little smiles on their faces remained.

I was ready to curse them out for being such pigs, but then suddenly their smiles disappeared, a look of panic taking its place.

The tiny follicles of hair on the nape of my neck stood, feeling the warm presence of someone standing behind me.

Looking up, I realized it was Tristan, his fingers digging into my hip as he pulled me back into him.

Threatened by their boss' burning gaze, they all scattered about, returning to their rightful stations around the house.

"Get dressed," Tristan said, pulling away from me to rummage through the fridge. "You, me, and Mateo are spending the day together."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Did last night have something to do with his sudden change in behavior? If so, then I'm going to have to consider giving him this kitty cat more often.

"Like a family day?" I asked, trying my hardest to hold back my excitement.

Tristan closed the refrigerator door, turning around to lean on it. I bit my lip, eyeing his well built physique.

He twisted the cap off the orange juice carton and took a sip. "Yeah," was all he said, before continuing to drink out of the carton. "Now go get dressed."

He was trying to act like he wasn't just as excited about whatever he had planned for us as I was. But I caught the grin on his face, even if it was for a split second.


"Look at the Zebras, Mateo!" I pointed excitedly at the black horse with white stripes sleeping under the sun in its enclosure.

Mateo ignored me, more focused on pulling at the stubble on his father's face.

Following the arrows set out for us on the long winding pathway, we pass by several other animals including Bison, Flamingos, and leopards.

When we reach the big cat enclosure, Mateo presses the palm of his hand to the glass. He's standing on the block of cement, watching two little lion cubs play with their father.

Tristan's holding Mateo so he doesn't fall, while pointing and talking to him about the lions.

I stand just a few inches behind them, watching the way the two of them interact with one another.

It's adorable seeing them bond. Which makes me feel shitty for having kept them apart for as long as I did. It wasn't fair to Tristan or Mateo.

I always thought I was prioritizing my son by keeping him from his father. I thought I was doing what was best for him. But it turns out I was wrong. I was only thinking about me, and what was best for me.

After watching the lions for a little while longer, we tried our best to look at as many animals as we could before Mateo grew fussy.

I sat down at a nearby bench, watching crowds and crowds of people who had the same idea mingle, eat, and observe the wild animals in their enclosures.

Grabbing Mateo's milk from within his baby bag, Tristan handed me the cranky infant so I could feed him.

As soon as Mateo started suckling on the nipple, his fingers holding on to the bottle, he stopped crying.

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