Chapter 7

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I was the first to awake, Tristan still out cold. I just watched him sleep. I felt like a creep doing it, but I couldn't help noticing how peaceful he looked.

Hair that was usually gelled was fluffy, strands pointing in every direction. The jaw that was usually flexed now relaxed, his breathing even.

In spite of the fact that I hate him for kidnapping me and Mateo and holding us hostage, I was still very attracted to him.

I mean who wouldn't be?

The man had been sculpted to pure perfection. Abs and muscles that flexed with every movement he made, beautiful tattoos that inked his arms and back. Not to mention how gorgeous and mesmerizing his eyes are.

If only he could be this beautiful on the inside as well.

Tristan remained completely still, his arm slung over his eyes. I contemplated just taking off, but knew I wouldn't get very far.

"If you want something all you have to do is ask, mia cara(my dear)," Tristan rasped, his eyes still closed.

How did he know I was watching him?

"I want you to let me go," I countered.

"Anything but that," he said with a groan of annoyance.

"Okay, then let me go to work."

I don't even know why I was asking him if I could go to work, because there's a high chance that I no longer have a job. I haven't gone into work since I was kidnapped. My boss probably thinks I just up and quit.

"But you have everything you could ever want or need here," he grumbled.

"That's not true. I don't have my freedom."


For nearly five, long, agonizing minutes he said nothing. Not a single word. I thought maybe he had fallen a sleep.

But then he said, "Fine. But Angel and Rafe have to go with you."

I threw my arms around him, thanking him in Italian. I retreated quickly when I realized I was hugging him.

He simply grinned, his smile causing warmth to creep its way onto my cheeks.

The smile on his face dissipated, a serious expression taking its place. "Attempt to run and I will find you."

He still didn't trust me, which wasn't a surprise. He had no reason to trust me, especially after yesterday. Which means his guard is still up.

So if I'm ever going to get out of here, then I'm going to have to get him to trust me enough to completely let his guard down.

Then and only then will I make my escape.


When I walked in to work, Rafaele and Angel following close behind me, everyone in the diner stopped to look at me.

Embarrassed, I rolled my eyes and turned around to face the two bodyguards hovering over me. "Can't you guys just wait in the car?" I muttered, trying to ignore the onlookers in my peripheral.

"No," Rafaele retorted coldly, brushing past me to take a seat at one of the open booths near the window.

Huffing in annoyance, I turned my attention to Angel, hoping he would have my back on this. But he shook his head. "I'm sorry, Sienna. But Tristan will torture and kill us if we don't follow his rules. Yesterday was just a fraction of what he's capable of."

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