Part II

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ARMATURE – A structure made out of wood or wire, which supports the clay during the creation of a sculpture.

POSSESSION – To be in control of the ball. Turnovers, defensive rebounds, and violations result in a loss of possession.

*Author's Note*

I hope you have enjoyed the first half of In My Head. If you would like to continue reading this series and support my writing, you can find the sequel books at the links on my profile page. The full series is only about $10.00 on e-book! I am eternally grateful for those who support me as a writer. Drop me a comment or DM so I can say thank you!

What you will get when you buy In My Head:

* Backstory chapters leading all the way up to the moment Kaden's epilepsy strikes.

* The rest of the weekend after the move, *spoiler alert* in which Kaden has a seizure in front of a girl from his new school.

Thank you to all my readers out there. It has been fun posting this book on Wattpad. I want to specifically thank The_2nd_strangerbeeframenoodles, and Hope3417 and Pollyf79 for all the votes and Phase19 for all the comments and votes. 

I want to also thank the people who hosted the prettyinPunkBC contest. Thank you for judging, hinchwood! Thank you for hosting the contest,  AmyMarieZ! Thank you! Thank you!

If you are enjoying the story, please consider leaving me a review on Amazon. Your review would be immensely helpful to me, and I thank you in advance for taking the time to share your thoughts with my potential readers. I'll drop a link to the book in the comments here -->


I want to dedicate this book to Joe Sutliff Sanders, who inspired me to write this book, back when it was just a short story about a teenager sitting in a waiting room

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I want to dedicate this book to Joe Sutliff Sanders, who inspired me to write this book, back when it was just a short story about a teenager sitting in a waiting room.


To all the teenagers out there living with epilepsy.
Stay strong. You are all the heroes of your own stories.

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