Possession ~ Logan

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I can't believe it. Kaden didn't push me away or tell me to mind my own business. For once, he's going to listen.

I stand back and watch Kaden calm down. He takes these slow, deep breaths with his eyes fixed over my shoulder, until all that anger and tension is just gone. He's like a different person.

I pound my fist on his shoulder. "Still wanna watch a movie?"

Kaden punches me back, making my shoulder throb. "My pick," he says with a smile.

Everything's still about you, I see.

"First one there gets to pick," I say, and I shove Kaden toward the door.

I spin back for the TV, but before I can take two steps, Kaden gets me in a headlock. He yanks me right off my feet, but I'm not going down empty-handed. I get my arm around him and take him down with me. We hit the floor with a giant thud.

"Jeez, Logan," Kaden grumbles.

"Sorry, did you want a handicap?"

"Oh, that is it!" Kaden lunges at me, knocking me all the way flat and shoving my face into the carpet. I can't hold back the laugh, but it sounds more like a grunt. Suddenly I realize that we've never rough-housed before. Before Kaden developed epilepsy, we used to beat each other up for real, but we've never joked around like this.

Things really have changed.

Kaden lets go and scrambles toward the TV. I latch onto him, and he drags me across the floor. I'm about to start laughing when Dad comes into the media center. He takes one look at us and starts yelling.

"Logan! Get off him right now!"

I let go.

Dad grabs me by the bicep and yanks me to my feet. "What in the hell has gotten into you?"

I look over Dad's shoulder, then spot Kaden still on the floor. He cocks his head at Dad and smirks at me.

"Well?" Dad says.

I try to hold it in, but Dad's face is turning red, and then Kaden starts to laugh silently, and I can't help it. I snicker.

"Get yourself under control this instant," Dad yells.

Kaden bursts into laughter. Dad finally turns around to look at him. I can't hold it in anymore. I start to laugh too, and then Dad backs off.

He crosses his arms. "Is someone going to tell me what this is all about?"

Kaden pushes himself to his feet. "Just messing around, Dad."

Dad looks us over, and Kaden starts to laugh again. I cuff Kaden's shoulder and smile at Dad. Kaden shoves me with a laugh. I pretend to lunge at him, but stop at the last second, and Dad finally cracks a grin.

"Wow, just look at you two." Dad puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head approvingly. "It's good to see you two act like normal boys for a change. I think it means everything is going to be okay." He takes a step forward and puts his hand on Kaden's shoulder.

"I think so too," I say, and I pat Kaden's back too.

Then we both pull away and Kaden sort of smiles and says, "Man this is weird."

"Weird?" I ask.

"It's just that it's been getting worse for so long . . ." Kaden says.

Dad steps away. "Sometimes things need to get worse before they can get better." Then he leaves the media center.

Kaden cocks his head thoughtfully, and then smacks my shoulder. "Pick a movie; I'll be right back." He takes off after Dad. I follow him to the door. "Dad," Kaden calls out, and he jogs to the end of the hallway. "Hey, uh. I wanted to say . . . I'm glad we moved."

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