Chain Reactions

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Kaden finally stops throwing his tantrum and climbs out of the car. I stick my tongue out at him from the sidewalk. Mom kneels down and hugs Kaden. He won't let her go, so Mom tells me to go play so she can take him to his teacher. Then she just walks away with him, like she forgot about me. It makes me feel hurt inside.

I leave the sidewalk and run to the play area from last year when I was a kindergartener. I'm halfway across the chain bridge when a really tall boy comes out of nowhere and jiggles the chain out of my hand. I stumble forward and land on the chain below me. Right on my nose. I cover my face, roll over, and cry out.

"Oh, look at the little baby cry," the giant boy says.

"I'm not a baby!" I yell. "I'm a first grader!"

"This is the little baby play area, and that makes you a baby." He smiles down at me and turns to walk away.

I jump to my feet to kick him in the shin, but he grabs my head and holds me away. "Have fun, baby." He pushes my head, and I fall over again.

This time I stay down and watch the big mean kid walk away. I'm not a baby! I'm a first grader, and I'm never playing with baby play stuff ever again! I get up and leave the baby play area as fast as I can, so fast I run into a couple kindergarteners who are playing kick ball. It might be an accident, or it might be on purpose, but as I run by I kick their ball away. It feels really good to kick something as hard as I can.

The stupid little baby screams, "Hey! That's my ball!"

Not anymore! I run after the ball and give it another good kick. The ball flies over the fence and bounces away, and I smile.

 The ball flies over the fence and bounces away, and I smile

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This is a nice short one. Thanks for the read. If you happen to vote or comment, I will do my best to come return the favor. What do you think of Logan as a first grader?

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