Chapter 39

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             Gritting my teeth I planted my feet further into the ground and with force I threw my hands upwards to lift the smoke

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             Gritting my teeth I planted my feet further into the ground and with force I threw my hands upwards to lift the smoke. When I opened my eyes I could suddenly see people with wide eyes of shock and awe. "Quickly, get out of here while things are still visible. I can't hold it too long" I warned them. Then I turned forward so I could face where the front of the line would be but they were so far away I wasn't sure if I could lift the smoke from there. I envisioned Diego and I called for the wind to clear a path for them to see the ground again. I have no way of knowing if it was working there but over here I could see it was. As people passed they gasped and voices swirled around me but I couldn't let them in. I needed to get into my state of a quiet mind and let the magic flow through me. "I call to the wind to sweep the smoke away from the ground for our peoples safety" I muttered under my breath. I kept my hands up and would sometimes do another sweeping motion to see if the effects rippled down to the front of the line. 

Then I cleared the ditch of any smoke and fog. I could easily see now that there was a mother, father, little boy, the man who tried to rescue them whose leg was now broken, and a wolf up on top looking down on them to see if they could help.

Now that visibility returned a few volunteers came over to help get everyone up and back on the path. They'd have to splint the man's broken leg and carry him away because there is no way he could walk now. I felt slightly light headed and I think it was because I was using too much force all at once. I wasn't used to this much power but my adrenaline and fear was driving me forward and I was using this magic as if it were my fight or flight reflexes. If you looked up far into the distance you could see the fire flickering up in the scariest way as it consumed anything in its path. It was still far enough away from our village but still there is no way of stopping it. Moon Goddess, is there a way I can help? I asked. I prayed that the knowledge would come to me clearly and guide me on what to do next.

          I began to cry which surprised me. It came out of nowhere but suddenly I was crying and as the tears rolled down my cheeks I somehow tapped into the access of water and I felt one then two, three droplets fall onto my head. Rain. Can I call for rain?! I threw my hands up to the sky and I let my tears fall as I began to not only shed tears but fall into a full on sob. At that moment I had a great reason to cry because to my uttermost shock and surprise the sky opened up and rain began to pour. I cried because I was thankful. I cried because I was amazed. I cried because I was afraid for everyone. And I cried for the forest, for the nature that died in this fire, and the scorched earth. I couldn't pay attention to those around me because I needed to focus but I know people quieted down which meant they were probably out of the ditch and finding it easier to get to safety. 

My body was wracked with sobs and I dropped to my knees and fisted some wet soil in my palms as if I needed to teether myself to something. The earth and its elements are my strength so I held on tight. 

"MIRA" a voice shouted for me. I opened my eyes but I wouldn't let myself stop crying. "What happened?! Are you hurt? What is it?" Jasper ran to me and then Devran right behind him. "No. I need to keep crying" I pushed him away when he tried to help me. He looked totally confused until he saw me reach up to the rain and call in down. His face fell when recognition struck him. "Did you make that wind? And this rain? Is this you Mira?" Jasper dropped to his knees to look at my face. I nodded but shut my eyes to concentrate. "What the fuck are you talking about? What's going on?" Devran pulled at his friend and then was about to come to pull me to my feet. "NO." I heard Jasper shout. His voice became distant like my ears were tunneling out.

I slipped into my deep meditative state and I continued to call forth the rain.


          When I finally came to, I felt weak. I tried to stand and stumbled backwards into a hard chest. "Mira? Hey" I felt warm fingers touch my face. Devran was holding me up and Jasper was standing in front of me calling my name. I was too drained. I couldn't focus. I don't even know how long I had slipped into that deep state of being, but now the rain had gone away and I felt dehydrated and exhausted. "Mira, you're freaking me out. Are you awake?" Jasper snapped his fingers in front of me. "She did too much. She needs help" Devran scooped me into his arms and started walking. I couldn't keep track of it all because I either fell asleep or passed out.


         The second time I finally came to, there was murmuring coming from all sides. Whispers about some of our villagers witnessing me perform a miracle. Gran was talking to Devran and his father Alpha Conan and telling them what she had suspected of me. "She'll need fluids to rehydrate herself and a lot of rest. I can't imagine what something with that much force and power did to a small body like this one" a doctor's voice spoke over me. I could hear them but my eyes were closed. "But she'll be okay, right?" I heard Jasper ask. "This is new even for me. I have no idea what a Mystic is or is not capable of" I heard the apology in her voice. "A whole goddamn Pack and no one has any useful information on a Mystic" I heard Devran snap at everyone. "Son, this is something that is unheard of in this day and age. A lot of the knowledge about Mystics died out after they did. It's nothing but word of mouth" Conan sighed.

I finally opened my eyes but they were blurry. I felt two people rush to my side and knew it to be Jasper and Devran. "Mira, are you okay?" I blinked a few times and sighed. "I'm just gonna sleep," I whispered. "No, Mira, wake up. What do you need from us? Try and drink this water you need water back into your body you let the rain take everything" Jasper tried tipping my head so I would drink. I think I took a few sips before it dribbled over my chin and I was unresponsive again.


          The third time I woke up it was because my body felt like it was bouncing. I realized I was scooped up in Devran's arms and he was running with the strength and speed of an Alpha.

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