Chapter 37

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          "I feel like we've been super distant lately

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          "I feel like we've been super distant lately. Am I crazy or do you feel like there has been a disconnect?" I asked Jasper mid-walk to our favorite clearing. His head swiveled in my direction but he didn't immediately say anything. "I think that's my fault. Just a lot of shit has come up all at once in my life and I guess I'm just tryna figure it all out. I'm sorry you feel like I'm pushing you away or anything" his frown made me feel bad for bringing it up. 

"I know you have all those training and new responsibilities that's why I haven't brought it up much. I just felt like you were in distress lately. I say I am so in tune with your emotions but maybe I shouldn't dig so deep" I tried to turn the topic playful. 

        "Distress, uh, not distress" he tried to disagree. This was the exact thing I was feeling though. There is something going on with him but if he isn't ready to talk about it I don't think I have a right to try and force him. 

He had been so patient about my willingness to discuss my past. I can extend that same courtesy. I had told him about that affinity-link and he agreed that it explains exactly what we are to one another. It's brought on a whole new level of connection knowing it's almost cosmic that we met and became friends. Even still that doesn't make me entitled to his every thought, which is why I won't push this nagging feeling I have that Jasper is distressed about something.

          "So, Mel is back today?" He asked once we got to the clearing. We never do much there but sit around talking or laying on our backs looking at the sky pass us by. We smoke here too but that's usually when Melanie is around. It's just a peaceful place to be. Right now we are going to sit and spend quality time together without the bustle of our town getting in the way. I didn't want to be at the pack house and he didn't wanna just sit in my cottage, and out in public people would always stop and say hello to their Delta, so here we are being hidden away for our own sakes.

"I left her a note on her door to come meet us in the clearing so she might pop up" I told him. "I'm going to snitch on you and tell her about me walking in on you and Devran" he smirked. I swatted his arm which he flinched away from before laughing. 

        "Speak of the devil" Jasper randomly hollered out. I was confused until about 30 seconds later Mel appeared. He has supernatural hearing and enhanced sense of smell so he knew long before I did. "I know you bitches missed me" she announced as she came and hugged me by the neck. I coughed out like I was choking but really the smell of jasmine wafted in my nose and it's a scent I know well. Whenever she'd sneak into my room at night it would be the aroma that filled the space around us. 

"How was it visiting your family?" I asked her. "Entertaining, my younger cousin is mental. I'll tell you about it later" she said, throwing her feet up on a rock and cupping her hands behind her head. "That cloud looks like a penguin" she stated randomly. We all looked up at the sky at the same time.

          A thought crossed my mind at that moment. I didn't want to be keeping secrets from my friends. I wanted them to know about Gran's prediction that I am a Mystic. I hope they even know what that is because I barely do. "Guys" I said out loud in a voice that told them I was about to go into story time. Both sets of eyes shifted to me at once. "Spill it," Mel said right away.

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