Chapter 23

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           I felt something nudging me but I was still too deep on the other side to understand what

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           I felt something nudging me but I was still too deep on the other side to understand what. "Mira, hey, are you alive?" Jasper's voice asked me. "Yo" I could tell it was Mel that was shaking me awake now. I groaned. "Oh good, she lives," I heard my best friend say. It took me a minute to get my eyes open. I was laying in the living room. I guess I never made it to bed. "How'd you get into my house?" I croaked out. I needed water desperately. 

"I pick locks, remember" Melanie laughed. Oh how I miss the nights where I'd wake up to the smell of jasmine because my best friend had snuck into my room at the pack house after her tryst with her boyfriend. Things were easy then. That felt like a lifetime ago even though Devrans' only been back a few short weeks. Like Jasper read my mind he walked over with a tall glass of water which I thanked him repeatedly for. 

I finally sat up and acknowledged the room. "Had a party all by yourself huh?" he asked. The pillows were tossed to the floor, I had been sprawled out along the couch but most of the flowers were out of the vase. I stopped paying attention to my friends once I noticed one healthy flower in the mix of all the wilted ones. 

Did I go outside and bring a new flower in?

         "Feed this girl, she looks like a zombie" Mel commented, noticing I had zoned out. I started placing all the flowers back into the vase and brushed all the fallen petals into a small pile I could clean up later. In a whisper I apologized to the flowers. I couldn't explain why but I felt the need to. I was seriously losing my mind. "Mira, we wanna talk about it but we've both been too scared to bring it up" Jasper finally admitted. 

"There is nothing to talk about" I dismissed the idea. "Mira, I think there is definitely something to talk about," Melanie insisted. "Like what?" I asked, not meaning it. "How about the fact that you aren't a wolf yet you were Devran's mate, and you were rejected in front of everyone in the street" Mel blurted out. Jasper pushed her to shut up. 

"Yeah, you just summoned it all up perfectly into one sentence. There's nothing else to say about the matter" I had completely shut down. 

        My 24 hours of hiding gave me enough time to have my meltdown in private. Now I would wear a stone expression. I wouldn't show them embarrassment, fear, sadness, or anything. "Fine, if you aren't ready to talk about it we don't have to for now. But we still should at some point" Jasper tried reasoning with me. "Just tell me this. Am I the laughing stock of the pack?" I asked, unsure I even wanted to know. "No, not at all. Everyone is shocked and a bit confused I guess" Jasper shrugged. 

"People asked about you yesterday to see if you were okay and we didn't know what to tell them," Mel added. I raised a hand to stop them from starting a full blown conversation about this. 

"That's all" I said.

          I could tell my two best friends were worried about me as their eyes were holding nothing back as their gazes lingered. I have faced so many things in my lifetime that I could compartmentalize easier than they probably think. Haven't I always had a tragic life? Deadbeat father, drug addicted mother, a shithead boyfriend of my mothers who was abusive and abrasive, and so much more. I wouldn't let Devran be the thing that ruined me. 

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