Chapter 21 BONUS (Devran)

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          I had slept like shit and I was exhausted now no matter how much coffee I tried to drink. It was only making me jittery but still my eyes felt heavy as I sat behind my desk. There was a quick knock at the door and when it opened I wasn't surprised to find Diego and Jasper there waiting for me to let them in. "We need to talk about last night," Jasper started. I knew this was coming. "Look, I didn't want to see it for the longest time. Jasper's been telling me but I ignored it until now. Dev, you aren't under control right now. You destroyed Trevor's face last night, man. Why? Is it Mira?" my Beta asked and even just her name tightened my chest. 

I shut my eyes and exhaled. "Boys, we have a problem. I think my wolf is sick" I admitted. They both came to sit down on the two chairs that faced my desk. "What do you mean?" they both asked in unison. "You've seen it for yourselves" I huffed, not wanting to explain. "It's linked to Mira though, right?" Jasper had to probe. "Yes" I gritted out. I didn't like talking about this. Stepping into my role as Alpha shouldn't be going like this. 

"So, her?" Diego was afraid to push it. "It's not that, it' wolf goes crazy whenever any of you bastards are around her. My wolf took over last night when Trevor touched her" I explained. "I mean it's one thing to like a girl and it's another to start losing your sanity. There's gotta be more to this" Jasper stated. "I know, that's what I'm telling you" I sighed,

        "We should hold a meeting with our fathers," Diego suggested. "Why? So I can seem unfit for my position?! No" I protested. "They might know what's going on," he pointed out. I had been holding back on telling them one key piece of information because it made no sense and it would only freak them out further. I needed to find out what was wrong with my wolf first, then the rest would be figured out. 

"Can't we figure this out between the three of us? Why do I have to include others? It shouldn't get out that I'm losing control of my wolf. The pack shouldn't know that" I explained. "Uh, everybody saw you last night dude. I think they know" Jasper pointed out. Damn him for always being right. He should honestly be my Beta over Diego. 

He's smart, quick, and he doesn't just agree with everything I say he challenges me. He is also very close friends with Mira and my wolf is constantly telling me to rip his throat out. "It's our crew. Round them up and tell them to keep their mouths shut" I ordered.

          Once I got rid of Diego I felt I could have a better one on one conversation with Jasper. "I want you to tell me about Mira's past" I asked nicely first. "I can't do that. It's not my place to say" he rejected the idea. I took a deep breath and set both palms down on the desk. "Jasp, I need to understand this girl. If I understand her maybe I'll understand what's happening to my wolf. Is she there any way she might be a werewolf too?" I asked the question I'd been wanting to. "What? No" he swatted my idea. 

"Are you sure? That's not her secret past?" I asked again to be sure. "No, not at all. Why are you asking that?" He studied me. "If I tell you this you can't breathe a word of it to anyone. Especially her" I pointed at him in warning. He agreed and I believed him for now. 

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