Chapter 13

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I'd like to say thank you to the people who commented on the last chapter, it really inspired me to keep writing so thank you so much

I hope you enjoy this!

Have a good day/night


You slowly blinked, as the room went back to the normal lighting

' he's gone!' Mr Teavee cried

' quick to the television! He should be there by now ' Mr Wonka said, with a nervous smile

' I just hope he gets back in one piece' he said

' what?! ' mikes father questioned

' well sometimes the particles can get stuck in the air and the chocolate comes back half the size... if you had to pick a side of your son which would it be? '

' what sort of a question is that?!?!' Mikes father asked

' jeez it's just a question no need to snap '

Suddenly Mike appeared in the screen

That's when the channels started flipping and the Oompa Loompas started

' Eww somebody grab him '

' help me! Help me!' Came a small squeak from inside the television

Mr teavee quickly leaned in a grabbed his son

' oh thank heavens he's completely unharmed ' Mr Wonka said

' unharmed?! What are you talking about?!'

' just put me back in the other way! ' mike squeaked

' ... it's a TV... who's the idiot now ' you muttered as Mr Wonka said

' it's television not telephone there's a big difference '

' well that do you suggest we do?!' Mr Teavee asked angrily

' I don't know... I suppose we could stretch him... childrens bones are very flexible... perhaps...the taffy puller '

' tHe tAfFy pUlLeR?!'

' hey that's my idea! But yes... yes the taffy puller '

He made an odd noise that made an Oompa Loompa come running

' take Mr Teavee and his... little son to the taffy puller '

The Oompa Loompa nodded and tucked on Mr Teavees jacket Indicating for him to follow

' alright! On with the tour!' Mr Wonka announced

' alright how many children are there left?' He asked obviously joking

' uhm Mr Wonka... there's only Charlie left?' You said unsure if he was actually joking

' really?! OH CONGRATULATIONS DEAR BOY OOH THERES SO MUCH TO DO, WE MUSNT DILLY, WE MUSNT DALLY WE-' he then slammed into the Great Glass Elevator

' oh my- ' you gasped and ran forward to help him up

' oh, thank you ' he said kissing your knuckle making you blush slightly but jokingly glare at Charlie when he gave you a knowing look

' don't look at me like that Charlie ' you muttered to Charlie

' like what big brother ' he asked fluttering his eyelashes as if he hadn't done anything

You just rolled your eyes and ruffled his hair and then watched as Mr Wonka giggled gleefully

' ooh I've wanted to press this button for so long! But I never had the courage but now its... it's perfect '

He then pressed a button that said ' up and out ' you frowned for a minute before realising

' you don't mean?!'

' yah! I do ' Mr Wonka laughed manically

' BUT THE LIFT WILL SMASH INTO A MILLION PIECES?! YOURE CRAZY MAN!!!' You screamed before grabbed Charlie and shielding him as you approached the roof

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