Chapter 12

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Hi! I'm so so sorry that I haven't written for a while, I had a writers block!

I'm back now though so I can finish this story before we all grow old and die 😂

I hope you enjoy this! Have a good day/night !

' now everyone take a pair of glasses, the light in here will burn your eyes, we wouldn't want that' mr wonka said

You grabbed a pair and made sure Charlie had his on and then followed Mr Wonka

He brought you all into a room that was basically white all round and had screens and Oompa Loompa's who were watching the screens

' this is the Television room '

You sighed and followed, not overly interested in this room

It's not that you wanted to be rude but you felt TV was addicting and something you should maybe only watch an hour a day, it does harm your eyes, so you didn't think it was good for you

So as Mr Wonka spoke you watched his facial expression's and jumped when he yelled ' MUMBLER!'

You chuckled after he said that making him look back a smile

You watched him talking and how he walked, he was really good looking in your opinion

But you'd known him for a day and you wouldn't meet him again after this so you tried to push those feelings away

That's when you got to a screen and Mr Wonka told Mike to take the chocolate from the screen

You frowned and thought ' how?!'

When Mike refused mr wonka rolled his eyes and called Mike a scaredy-cat

' you take it ' he whispered to Charlie

Charlie looked up at you and you nodded encouragingly but still you weren't sure how it was possible

Charlie reached his hand in and grabbed the chocolate making your eyes widen

He then opened the chocolate when Mr Wonka assured him he could

' it's delicious' Charlie said in a quiet voice

You smiled at him and then looked at Mr Wonka as he started explaining his plan to let people take it from adverts

' ... but isn't that going to ruin the profit? The advert could be on, three or four times a day ' you said thinking about it

Mr Wonka opened his mouth to say something back but closed it when he realised you were right

' oh... ' he muttered

' could you transport other things? ' Mike asked

' like cereal ' Mikes father asked

' eww why would I want to transport cereal! It's full of ... you know those wood shavings from pencil sharpeners! Yah those! '

' what about people?'

' why would I sell people?'


' calm down Mike! I'm sure Mr Wonka knows what he's doing! ' Mikes father scolded lightly

' NO HE DOESNT! HES JUST AN IDIOT but I'm not!' Mike yelled and then ran towards the big buttons

He kicked the Oompa Loompa's as he pushed the button, jumped into the light that lifted him and with a blinding flash

He was gone....

Heart of gold ( Willy Wonka x MALE!reader ) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن