Chapter 7

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Hi! I hope you enjoy this!

Sorry if it's bad


After you had finished in the shower/bath you were shown to the wardrobe by an Oompa Loompa

You eventually found a normal pare of clothes, it was a t-shirt and jeans, they were slightly big for you but it was better than chocolate covered clothes

Once you were changed an Oompa Loompa took you back to the group

' are you alright? ' Charlie asked

You nodded and said ' I'm fine thank you'

You were all then shown to the boat, there were a load of Oompa Loompa's with rowing oars (??)

They all looked at you all and burst into laughter and giggles

' why are they laughing?'

' it must be those dog gone cocoa beans! Did you know that chocolate has endorphins that gives one the feeling of being in love ' mr wonka said

Mrs Beauregard then said ' you don't say ' in a flirting manner while looking at Mr Wonka

Mr wonka looked extremely uncomfortable before saying ' uhm... ok hop on the boat '

You smiled at him sympathetically before getting on the boat and sitting at the back with Charlie

Suddenly Mr wonka was next to you... you hadn't even seen him walk towards you!

Suddenly he took a big scoopy spoon from under the seat and scooped some of the chocolate from the river and then said ' here, you look like you need it!'

You smiled as Charlie drank some and his eyes glittered with happiness

' wow it's delicious! ' Charlie exclaimed

You smiled as Mr wonka went on to tell him about the waterfall as you had a little bit

It was amazing, it was extremely rich and wholesome ( not the cute type of wholesome )

That's when Verruca turned around and said ' you've already said that '

You frowned as mr wonka looked slight upset and awkward

' well perhaps some of us didnt hear him! ' you said

She glared at you and said ' we all heard him say the waterfall wa-'

' Ok, but seriously don't be rude' you said with a glare and then turned away to talk to Charlie


Happy Christmas everyone! I hope you had an amazing day!

I know this is short but I'm not feeling amazing atm, I'm just always so tired and feeling sick

So anyway

I hope you have a good day/night

Stay happy stay healthy and stay safe

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