Chapter 3

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Hi! I'm back again!

I'm sorry this will be just before Charlie finds the tickets as y'all should already know the original story <3
I hope you enjoy this!


You were working in the shop, there was one ticket left to find, they had all been found by:

Augustus gloop: an incredibly overweight boy
Veruca salt: an awfully spoiled little brat
Violet Beauregard (??): a horribly competitive girl
And Mike Teevee: a little know-it-all brat that doesn't even like chocolate

You sighed as you gave a lady her shopping

' have a great day ' you said forcing a smile

That's when Charlie came in

' oh! Hey Charlie! '

' hi y/n! Look I found this! '

He held up a ten dollar note

' wha- where?!' You gasped

' o-on the Side walk? ' Charlie said

' ah ok ' you said

' I assume you would like some chocolate? ' you smirked at him

' I- yes please ' Charlie smiled sheepishly

You passed him the one he always loved ( can't remember which chocolate it was )

He smiled and put the money on the counter

Then he opened his chocolate as a woman stood complaining to you and your boss about the liars in Russia

Suddenly you looked at Charlie, he was holding a golden ticket

' that's the last golden ticket... you found it in my shop! ' your boss cried

Then people started trying to bribe him to give them his tickets

' OI!!!! YOU LOT LEAVE MY BABY BROTHER ALONE!!!! Charlie! Go home and show grandpa Joe! It'll cheer him up ' you said happily

Charlie grinned at you and ran out the shop with the ticket firm in his hand

You smiled as he ran away making your boss smile

' ya know what, go home early, go celebrate with your family ' he said

Your eyes widened ' really sir?!'

' yes, go on lad before I change my mind '

You grinned and said ' OH THANK YOU SIR!'

You weren't usually home till really late

You smiled, took your apron ( you had to wear one, you did work with sweets and chocolate) off and ran home after Charlie

' - no! We're not going, there were people offering me lots of money at the shop, we could get money for it! '

Your eyes widened as everyone looked at you when he said that

' charlie...'

' yes y/n?'

' come here a sec'

Everyone stared at you as he walked over

' ok, think about it this way, money is printed all over the world it's probably the most common thing to own right? '

He nodded

' but this? This is a once in a life time opportunity! Only an idiot would give that up, are you an idiot? '

' no... I'm not '

' exactly! So you get ready for tomorrow then! '

He grinned and ran to go get ready

' who's taking him? ' you asked

' ... if you'd like... you!' Your mother said

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