Chapter 6

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I'm back again, sorry it took so long to update, I've been exhausted over the last few days, so I decided to update now :D

Ok I hope you enjoy this! I'll try make it a fairly long chapter :)


' daddy look! A little person! ' Veruca yelled

You looked away from Charlie who you had been comforting and gestured for him to come with you as everyone gathered at the side of the chocolate river, that by the way, smelled amazing, it made you want to just grab a straw and drink it

Of course you wouldn't do that but the idea did sit in your mind for a good minute or two

' there's more than one'

' are they real people? '

' what do you mean?! Of course their real people! They're Oompa Loompas! ' Willy wonka said ' from loompaland'

' there's no such place' Mike Tevee's father said

' excuse me? ' mr Wonka said raising an eyebrow

There will be a bit of eyebrow raising in this... idk what it is about it but when someone raises their eyebrow, I simp immediately ( except with people I know well )

' I said theirs no such place, I am a high school geography teacher and I am here to tell you- '

So that's why you're so boring you thought

Mr Wonka interrupted Mr Tevee and said ' so you'll know all about it and what a dreadful country it is! '

He then went into the story of how he came across the Oompa Loompa's and the horrible food they had to eat

You looked across at the, now happy, Oompa Loompa's who were smiling and doing their jobs

You felt sorry for them and said ' what do you pay them with? I mean if they never leave the factory, money must be useless? '

Mr Wonka smiled and said ' ooh I'm glad you asked! I pay them in Cocoa Beans! They love them, they'd happily eat them all day long if they could! They love chocolate so they agreed to work in the factory if I payed them in cocoa beans '

You smiled softly and said ' that's lovely '


Of course her son took no notice as he was happily drinking at the Chocolate river

' little boy! ' Mr Wonka shouted walking forwards ' my chocolate is not to be touched by human hands! '

You then ran forwards and grabbed the boy unfortunately due to his weight you both fell in

Before anyone says anything, I am in no way shape or form trying to fat shame Augustus! I personally am overweight too, I know the struggles of being over weight ( admitted I am nowhere near Augustus' size but As I said, I'm not fat shaming him )


' Y/N!!!!' Charlie screamed trying to run forwards but Mr Wonka grabbed his shoulder

' don't worry, he will be ok '

Suddenly Oompa Loompa's came out of nowhere and started singing as Augustus got stuck in the pipe

Luckily you managed to get to the side of the river in time

Mr Wonka jogged forward and held him arm out for you to grab his hand

You quickly did so and got out Of the chocolate river which you decided you didn't like anymore

' y/n! Are you alright ' Charlie cried running to hug you but stopped when he saw how chocolaty you were

' oh! Thank you for trying to help my son but... where does that pipe go!?' Mrs gloop cried

You smiled and nodded as you tried to figure out what to do about the chocolate all over you

It was all tangled in your hair which as much as it had been combed this morning, was now a mess sorry if you have short hair but for this you have fairly long hair because I figured it'd work better

Your t-shirt was completely brown

The shoes you had been wearing were unrecognisable

And the trousers were awfully brown now

' great I look like a sh*t myself ' you muttered

Mr Wonka then called for two Oompa Loompa's making a very odd noise

' ok can one of you take Mrs Gloop to fetch her son while the other takes this nice man to go in the shower in my chambers and change his clothes '

' but I don't have any other clothes with me ' you said

' well... you'll have to borrow some of mine won't you? ' he smiled

' meet us by the boat, I'll keep everyone busy here ' he whispered to the Oompa Loompa

And with that you were lead away by an Oompa Loompa


I know its not great but I tried

I know it's fairly short

You know what else is short?


And what comes with Christmas? The Christmas special of BBC GHOSTS, can't wait honestly

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this

Have a good day/night

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe and remember to take care of yourself and remember you are perfect the way you are no matter if you're, gay, straight, bi, lesbian, poly,trans, etc You are perfect and I appreciate every single one of you

Heart of gold ( Willy Wonka x MALE!reader ) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن