Chapter 26 ~ Beginnings

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"That's the last of it." Elias says as he drops the last boxes down. All four of us are now in the new apartment. No furniture yet except for Abby's pink couch. We turned in our dorms this morning and we have been using this Saturday to get everything we have into the place.

Now that we have everything here, and we turned in our dorm keys, this is now our home. I get a little bit emotional thinking about the fact that I moved here from Paris not too long ago and now I'm living with my best friends.

Life couldn't be any better.

"Pizza tonight?" Cole asks and we all nod. We are all going to have to sleep on the floor and eat on the floor till our furniture comes in. Christmas break is in a few weeks and we decided we would head up to Minnesota to meet Cole and Elias' family.

Our apartment is pretty small but it fits all of us. The living room and kitchen are connected and then there is a hallway that has 5 doors. One is Cole and Abby's room, then mine, then Elias', then mine and Elias' bathroom, and then a storage closet at the end of the hall. We also have a balcony and we figured that since Elias will be bringing his dog down here, we could make something with fake grass so that the dog can do its business.

"Pizza will be here shortly." Cole comes back and we nod. "I guess we should start unpacking now." I say. I grab my boxes and take them to my room. I take some trips and finally have all my boxes in my room.

I figured I would put away my clothes first since that's the biggest thing. And since I brought more clothes home I should start on it now. One by one I fill up my closet with my clothes and I also put some in the dresser that I bought last night. It was a 'in the moment' thing.

After putting my clothes away, I take my bathroom box and head to the bathroom and start to unbox. I see Elias is also in here getting his things in his places. We both share the side mirror compartment, we each have 2 drawers, and I'm using the bottom part for my other things. We both have our own sinks and the shower is pretty big. It's a shower that has a bathtub with it.

"Can you put this in the shower for me?" Elias hands me his shampoo and other shower things, I nod. "Can you pass me my shower box then." I say and he hands it to me. It takes about 10 minutes organizing the shower with both of our products in it.

After a good 15 minutes of that Cole comes in, "Pizza is here." We nod and I give Elias a high five for all our hard work. We walk out into the living room and see Abby and Cole already on the floor digging in.

I grab a beer and a piece of pizza and dig in.

"So where are we going to sleep?" Elias asks and I shrug. "We have to sleep on the floor, I say we have a sleepover here tonight in the living room." They all agree and we all pass out sleeping on the carpet.


It's been about 2 days since we moved in and all our furniture is coming. Elias and Cole are with the guy who has brought them, and they are helping him bring them in.

We decided that we are going to skip the first couple days of school this week so we can focus on the new place and getting everything set up.

Elias and them start with the beds, it sucks we are on one of the very top floors. So we had someone who works for the complex let us use this thingy that can lift up heavy items. It made moving them in a way easier.

By the end of the day we got all the furniture in the apartment. We got the beds, desks, dressers, couches, tables, and everything else we needed.

I'm now in the kitchen organizing and putting away all the kitchen items. Elias walks in all sweaty... shirtless.

"Just got done putting your bed together and your side tables." He grabs cold water from the fridge. "Are you cooking tonight?" I nod. "Carne asada."

"That will be good." He walks back out. I start on dinner as soon as I finish organizing. I might have to join the hockey team if I can gain 8 abs from that.

"Dinner!" I yell and the kids come out like running dogs. Since the boys have yet to set up the dining table, We are eating around the kitchen counter.

"Mmmm, are you freaking kidding me, Fayette? This sh*t is so good." Cole moans and I laugh. "Hey, I got my cooking from my momma."

"THANK YOU MOMMA MONET" Cole screams and makes us all burst out laughing

"So Fay, you blocked Matt?" Abby asks and I nod. "Yeah I just, maybe if he grew from his past actions I would have stayed. But he obviously didn't and I don't need a person like that." I say and she nods back.

"You blocked him?" Elias asks and I nod, I see a sense of relief going through his eyes?


We all finished dinner and now it's back to getting everything set up. We want to get this done as soon as possible so we are taking little breaks here and there. I finished with the kitchen and now I'm finishing up with my room.

I walk out to get water and see Elias and Cole have managed to set up the tv, and the dining table and chairs. Abby is decorating the living room now.

"Looks good boys." I say and they both give me a tired thumbs up. It's not so late in the evening so I decide that I'm going to head to the grocery store.

I don't want us to be those people who eat out every meal, so I'm stepping up and being the cook of this place.

Teehee that means the kitchen is mine.

"I'm heading to the store to get food." I slip on my shoes and see Elias get up. "I will go, I need air from this place." He says and I nod. Getting my keys we head down the complex and into my car.

"Ready for the first ever Taylor Swift concert living in our new place?" Elias asks and I laugh.

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