Chapter 19 ~ Distracted

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My head hurts like a mother trucker. I took so much medicine that Fayette left me this morning. I don't remember anything from last night. All I remember is that Fayette told me not to drink and drive so I asked if someone could call her. I'm guessing that's how I'm here now.

It was Saturday so I had to be at practice soon. Fayette left me a note saying she was meeting up with a friend. She wouldn't say who but I know it's not Abby or Cole because both are sitting in front of me.

Abby says she has no clue who Fayette could be going out with.

"So are we going to spy on her?" Abby asks, which causes me to roll my eyes. "I'm pretty sure she will tell us sooner or later just give her time. It's not like she was going to up and leave us."

Yes, I remember this morning when I woke up from my nightmare. It may sound silly but it was really scary to me. Fayette was there for me while I was breaking down and I couldn't be more thankful.

I will admit, I am more scared of losing Fayette than anyone. I don't know how she feels but I think I'm falling. Not that I'm not scared of losing Abby and Cole, but Fayette is the only one who I tell all my dirty secrets to.

Except for the fact that I might like her more than a friend.

But she doesn't need to know that until I know she likes me to.

"You're right." Abby says and I nod.

"Okay well we have to go to practice so I will see you later." Cole says walking up to Abby and giving her a kiss on the cheeks. He asked her to be his girlfriend last night. I'm happy for them and I don't think they're taking it fast at all. I mean he was with her all the days after she and Dylan broke up.

"Alright see you boys later!" She yells and we walk out of her dorm.


"That kind of looks like Fay." Cole says while we are walking to practice. I see where he is looking and it is in fact Fayette. She is sitting in a café with a guy laughing at whatever he says.

I stop walking as my heart drops in my stomach a little bit. She was laughing really hard. He was making her laugh. He looks familiar but I can't put a name to his face.

"Eli?" I am snapped out of my thoughts when Cole is tapping on my shoulder. I come back to the real world and continue to walk with Cole.


Me and Cole are now at practice and I can't hit a puck for the life of me. 'Dude , what's going on?' Cole throws his hands in the air as I miss another puck.

The truth is I can't get the image out of my head. I may be falling harder than I thought. Just the image of Fayette laughing that hard with another man other than me and Cole scares me.

I threw my stick out of anger and storm out of the rink. I head to the locker rooms, I take off my shirt and walk towards the showers. I take a quick shower and put on my change of clothes. I walk out and see the whole team waiting for me.

"Dude are you okay?" Mike asks me and I shake my head 'no'. Cole comes and sits by me and rubs my back. The other guys watch and observe us.

"You can tell us what's up man." Cole says and I shake my head. "It's just that I'm scared of my feelings." I say and put my head down.

"Feelings?" I nod.

"Most of you know Fayette?' The nod and I continue, "She- She I think I have strong feelings for her, but I know she doesn't feel the same and I know that because I saw her with a guy." I put my head in my hands.

"Eli, you're not going to get the girl if you bottle your emotions inside. If you want to get her, you have to be the bigger person. If she doesn't accept your feelings, you can either ignore her forever, or you can pretend it didn't happen. Rejection happens to the best of us." Mike says and I nod letting him know I'm listening to his words.

"I see the way you look at her, and the way she looks at you, I think there's a 99% chance you won't be rejected." Brody speaks up.

And he was right. I let everyone know how much I admire her just by looking at her. "But there's still that 1% that could be stronger." I say.

"You're right, but you will never know, you see how I got Abby fast? That is because I showed her the real me and opened up to her in a way I never had to you." Cole says

They all walk out of the locker room and leave me to my thoughts.

They are right, I will never know if Fayette really feels for me or not. If that's the case I cant wait long because if I don't then she will find another guy.


I head back to the dorms when Cole says he is hanging out with Abby so I walk over to theirs. I knock and Abby opens the door. "Hey Elias!" She says and gives me a quick hug. She walks back to Cole and hugs him as I walk in and shut the door.

Fayette walks out of her room in her pajamas. She looks around and then sees me and smiles brightly. I smile back and pat the seat next me. She gives me her finger telling me to wait.

She walks to the kitchen and grabs two glasses of wine. She comes back over to me and sits next to me. Now me and her are sitting in front of the couch while Abby and Cole are sitting on the floor by the tv.

Fayette brings out her phone and types something in French.

"Okay so let's talk about Thanksgiving plans." Fayette says and smiles.

I have now come to the conclusion that I'm falling for this girl. I like Fayette.



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