Chapter 10 ~ Plans

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It's now Halloween week. Me and Abby have not seen the boys in a couple weeks because of midterms. Me and Abby were later going to go and find our costumes for the party on Friday. I guess the boys agreed to a group costume which I had no problem with, but I'm curious to see what Abby has planned for us.

Dylan has not tried to contact Abby or any of us since the day she broke up with him. She got a text from him the next morning wanting to talk, but she turned him down.

The bell rings and I leave my last class of the day. Since it was Wednesday, me and Abby were going to meet up at the café and then brainstorm costumes from there. The boys said they were okay with anything, but I'm sure Abby will make them regret their decision.

Me and Abby get our drinks and sit down at our table. She goes on her phone and I do the same. "How about we do power rangers?" She asks and I give her a considering face.

"That could work, wow that was so easy" I say and she laughs. Now that we have our costumes picked out I hope that the boys won't turn down the plan. "We can decide on colors when we are all together." I nod and finish the rest of my coffee as well as my bio homework.

I have been doing well in all my classes and I honestly love learning more about science. The homework can be hard though because with that I don't have access to the teacher to help me.

Me and Abby leave the café and head back to the dorms. We run into Cole and Eli as we are walking in and they are walking out.

"Hey guys" I say and we stop to talk with them. "Hey, you guys just coming back from school?" Eli asks and I nod my head. "Yeah we stopped by to get coffee and discuss our Halloween costumes. You guys still want to match?" I ask and they both nod.

"As long as I don't have to dress up as a girl" Cole says and we all share a laugh.

"You guys want to go to dinner in a couple hours. We are heading to practice right now." Eli says and me and Abby agree.

"Well see you guys later than" I say and we bid our goodbyes.

Me and Abby head to our dorm and start to work on any work we have. After I was done with mine it was around five so I jumped in the shower and got a change of clothes.

Once I was done with my things, Abby started getting ready as well. We both got ready quickly and went down to the lobby to meet with the boys.

We spot Eli and walk over to him. "Hey, Cole is just warming up the car." We nod and head into the parking lot.

Me and Eli make Abby sit in the front with Cole driving while we sit in the back. It seems to be going well though. They talk as if we aren't even here and it seems like it's easy for them to talk to each other.

From what I have heard, things seem to be going goo. Getting back to normal for them.

I get a call from my mom and answer her quickly because in Paris it's probably like 3 in the morning.

"Bonjour?" I say in a concerned tone.

"Bonjour chérie, désolé d'appeler si tard dans la nuit." (Hello sweetheart sorry for calling so late at night) She says.

"C'est bon mais tu vas bien?" (It's okay but are you okay?" I ask and all of them turn to me even Cole looks in his mirror while still driving. They probably hear the concern in my voice.

"Oui, je vais bien, je voulais juste savoir si tu serais à la maison pour Thanksgiving?" (Yes I'm fine, I just wanted to know if you will be home for thanksgiving?) She asks and I let out a sigh.

My family loves to celebrate Thanksgiving. Given it's not a European holiday, when my mom studied here like I'm doing, she found that holiday to be special to her.

"Je ne suis pas sûr maman, je pourrais être avec Abby mais je serai certainement là pour Noël." (I'm not sure mom, I might be with Abby but I will for sure be there for Christmas) I say.

I nod towards Abby letting her know all is good and I do the same for Eli. "Très bien ma chérie je t'aime" (All right sweetheart I love you"

"je t'aime maman" (I love you momma) I say and hang up.

"What was that about, I didn't think I would understand French but you sounded concerned for a bit." Cole says and I sigh again.

"Nothings wrong, she just wanted to know if I was going to be home for Thanksgiving and I told her I'm not sure." They nod and we all give Cole our orders when he pulls up to the In In Out drive thru.

We get our food and go to a park and find a bench to eat at. We all grab our food and start conversing.

"So Halloween costumes?" Eli asks and Abby and Abby smirk.

"Power rangers" She says and Cole and Eli burst out laughing.

"Oh you're serious?" Cole asks and we nod. Abby gives him a smirk

"Yes, so pick a color." Abby says and we start to get our colors. I pick pink, Cole picks Yellow, Abby picks Blue, and Eli picks red.

"Well I guess that's that." I say and we all nod. We pick up all the trash and head back to the car.

We all have a music session and sing our hearts out. I think I caught Eli staring but I put it off.

We get to the dorms and as soon as we get to our floor we step out. Cole and Eli followed us.

"Movie?" I ask since it's not that late and tomorrow is not a busy day for any of us. They nod and I go to find a movie.

I picked out Hocus Pocus since Halloween was coming up. I sit next to Eli and see Cole and Abby are on the floor in front of the couch.

I start the movie and get us popcorn and water. Half way through the movie, I feel Eli put his head in my lap. He's probably tired since he had two practices today. I let him cuddle his head on my lap and put my hands in his hair.

I play with his hair trying to stay up and finish the movie. I see Cole and Abby asleep on the floor. Abby has her head on his shoulder and his head on hers. I shift around and take my phone out. I take a picture of them and place my phone back down.

I shake Eli awake. He rubs his eyes as he gives me a confusing look. "Sorry Eli but I can't sleep sitting up." I say which was true. It was so uncomfortable.

Eli nods and takes it upon himself to move us around. He haves me laying on the couch and he lays down in between my legs with his head on my chest.

After three seconds his breathing goes down. He grabs my hand and puts it on his head. I love sleepy Eli, he has no idea what he is doing.

I allow myself to get comfortable with him and drift off into a sleep.

I don't know if what I'm feeling is a crush because I just met Eli at the beginning of the year 3 months ago. It's more of a comfortable feeling and feeling safe around him. He is my best friend and I hope whatever I'm feeling isn't going to grow.

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