Chapter 14 ~ Hospital

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All three of us have been sitting in the waiting room for two hours, visiting time is about three. Cole and Fayette have been crying this whole time. I have been getting teary but I always maintain them.

Fayette has fallen asleep a couple times but always wakes up panicking for her best friend. Cole has said nothing this whole time and looks just as lifeless as Abby did.

Cole and Abby have been through a lot, so, it's safe to assume why he looks like his whole world is gone. This isn't the first time they have been in the hospital for her.

Fayette called Abby's parents and they said they were not in town and could not make it. If you ask me, that's a ton of bull. They were never around for her, it's not just this one time.

"Abby Nelson" The doctor class to us and snaps me out of my thoughts. We all stand up.

"How are you guys related?" The doctor asks and before I could speak, Fayette speaks up. "I'm her best friend and so is he," she points to me. "This is her husband, Cole." She points at Cole. I know what she did there, if you're not related to the person you can't really get much info. This way Cole can get some more info on her.

"Great so Mrs. Nelson is stable, I'm guessing she was at a party?" We nod and she sighs. "She was drugged, now the drug was very strong and it was hard to get her heartbeat back but we got it." She says and we all look shocked.

We never drank and we only drank from bottled water. "I suggest you keep her away from any food and drinks at the next party." She smiles. "Abby is awake right now, but very weak as we are trying to get her blood pressure high. She can have one person go in but after 15 minutes you all have to leave." The doctor says and we nod.

We look at each other and decide who's going to go in there. "Fay it should be you" Cole says and Fayette looks at him. "What about you?" She asks.

"I can come see her tomorrow." He says and she gives him a 'are you sure' look and he nods. She sighs and walks towards the doctor.

The doctor and her walk away. I turned to Cole, "Wanna head home?" I ask and he nods. We go to the car and wait for Fay to come down. She texted me saying that we can pick up Abby in the morning.

We wait about 15 minutes before Fayette gets in the car. "She is doing good, she was happy when I came in. I will go there in the morning to sign the discharge papers." We nod and drive back to the dorms.

Me and Cole say bye to Fayette as she goes into her dorm. Me and Cole walk to our dorm and get ready for bed.

"I'm glad she's okay, but how could she have been drugged?" I ask and Cole shrugs. "Maybe she left it somewhere outside and someone drugged it, but I never put it down so I don't know" He says and runs his hands over his face.

"On the bright side, you guys kissed. That's a step up from the last time you guys almost happened."

"Yeah, I did." He says calmly. "Oh my gosh we did!" He freaks out like he is just now realizing it. He sits back down. "We did," he whispers.


"Hey pass the puck man!" I hear one of my teammates calling out to me. Today is game day and we are playing up against another school in Seattle. We are winning pretty well but it's always nice to be way far ahead.

I place the puck in my teammate's way and he makes the goal. We cheer and get ready for a water break.

I walked up to Cole who was sitting on the bench. "Hey man" I say, patting his back. He turns to me and gives me a small smile. "Hey" He says but looks back at his phone. "What's wrong?" I ask and he sighs.

"Abby hasn't texted me and it's been a couple hours since they got home." He said. "Maybe she is just resting. The medication they put her on makes her sleepy so don't worry about it. We will see them tonight."

"But what if she is regretting the kiss?"

"She's not man, stop overthinking that we have a game to win." Right. As if Abby would regret that.


I knock on the door to Fayette's and Abby's dorm. I turn and see Cole looking nervous. He is holding a single flower in a tiny vase. He knew exactly what

Fayette opened the door and greeted us. We give her side hugs and walk in. Abby is laying on the couch attached to an IV. She has to be connected to it for a week.

I walk over to her on the couch and bend down. "Hey Abbs, feeling better?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah but it's a pain in the butt because it's hard to get food and water down without wanting to throw up" I guess the drug was that bad.

"You will feel a lot better soon." I say and pat her head and she gives a smile. I walk over to Fayette and we both watch Cole walk over to her with his hands behind his back.

"Hey Abbs, I uh... I got you a flower." He holds out a small blush pink vase with a daisy inside. Abby puts her hand on her mouth. "Really?" She says in a teary voice. Cole nods and bends down to her. He gives her a kiss on her forehead.

"I will put it on your desk" He says and she nods. He walks away and heads for their room. I give him a thumbs up and a smile.

He comes back and goes back to the couch. He lifts Abby's legs gently and puts them on his lap. He rubs her lower legs and looks at her with a bright smile.

I'm so proud of him. I know that this girl will be the reason for his living. And the other way around as well. I look at Fay and we both smile.

"We didn't even have to do anything, they did this all by themselves." She says in a low proud voice.

"I know I feel like a proud dad." She laughs and we share words and laughs as we watch our babies connect.' Fayette's words not mine.

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