Chapter 11 ~ Morning

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I wake up with a sense of comfort. Not like a bed comfort, but a warm feeling of comfort. I remember last night after me, Cole, and the girls went to dinner we came back to their dorm for a movie.

It's so nice to live in the same building because even of school nights we get to be together and have a good time. Me and Fay talked last night before we went to sleep when Cole and Abby passed out.

Last night

"So when do you think Abby will be ready for another relationship?" I ask and bring my head up from her lap.

I wanted to know her opinion. I knew Abby had to have discussed hers and Coles past.

"I'm not sure, but I don't think it will be long. Abby is already opening up to him so much." She says and looks down at Abby. "I just hope Dylan wont be such a bad memory where Abby closes all of her walls, even to me." She says with a sad smile.

"I think Dylan did that much damage for her to close all together ,but I'm surprised she has come this far from it." I say and she nods.

"I love Abby like a sister and I would do anything for her. It would break my heart if Dylan was the cause of their downfall."

"Me too." I say and put my head back on her lap.


I know how much Abby has let her walls down and with the amount of people who disappointed her... I'm surprised she is so open with all of us.  Abby didn't deserve any of her past. Yes she learned from those mistakes but she was so innocent and got played with all her friends and boyfriends.

Now that Fay is here, Abby has a chance at a lifetime friendship. I know Fay will never let her or any of us down.

I groan as I come out of my sleep and rub my eyes to try and adjust to the light. The warm feeling of comfort is still there as I see that I am in fact laying with my head on Fay. She has one hand on my head and the other on my back.

I don't want to move at all. I know moments like these are limited because me and Fay both have busy lives. Fay is like that friend who makes you feel at home. I don't get close with girls often but Fay and Abby are exceptions.

I lift my head up slightly and see she is still asleep. I see Abby is all by herself on the floor. I now notice Cole is in the kitchen drinking water.

I slowly get up without making any big movements. I remove myself from Fay's warm embrace. I stand up trying not to step on Abby and walk towards Cole.

"Morning" I say and grab a cup for coffee.

"Morning" He replies as I make my coffee. "You looked pretty comfortable on the couch there buddy" He lifts an eyebrow.

"I can say the same about you and Abby on the floor." I say and see a tint of pink in his face. "That's what I thought" I roll my eyes.

I smile at him. "You got this man." When he gives me a knowing smile back, he changes the subject.

"I'm thinking about how we are going to be able to go to a party right after the game on Friday." Cole groans and I nod.

"Yea, maybe we should skip the party this year?" I say. Only because I know Fay and Abby are not party people, and plus I would rather stay here with them instead of going to a sweaty party.

"I don't know, I guess we will have a discussion with the girls later." I nod and drink my coffee. I see Fay and Abby are now awake and talking with each other.

"Hey girls." Cole says and they spin their heads to us.

"Morning" They say in sync. Abby is now on the couch with Fay and they are sitting together.

"Hockey practice?" Fay asks and we both nod. "Yeah but it's not a long one." I say

After talking with the girls for a while me and Cole head out for practice. It's five in the morning and school starts at seven.


I grab my stick and a puck and start to do some practice shots. "Hey Graham!" I hear my name and turn to see none other than Dylan walking around the rink. I sigh and skate over to him.

"What do you want Dylan?" I ask letting him know I don't have time for his childish act.

"Just wanted to let you know that the coach is considering letting me back on the team... looks like you're going to quit huh?"

"I'm not going to quit just because of you. And even if the coach were to put you back on, we are still not teammates."

"Keep saying that Graham, but just so you know, think about the kind of person Abby and Fay are. Then once it clicks you will understand why I did what I did." He walks away before I can say anything.

Because I don't have the time. I go to the locker room and get dressed. I grab my school bag and head to the campus right on time for the bell to ring.

I walk into first period and see Fay is writing in a notebook. I started sitting next to her a couple weeks ago since the person who used to sit next to her left the school.

I take my seat and Fay looks up at me and smiles. "How was practice?"

I sigh and take out my notebook. "It was interesting alright." She gives me a confused look but also an interesting look. "What happened?"

"Dylan showed up and started to say that the coach was considering letting him back on the team."

"Why would the coach do that?" She asks

"I don't know if I was going to talk with him after school." She nods and we both turn our attention towards the teacher since they have begun.

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