-Part fifty-

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Zara's pov

It's been over 2 months, I'm now legally Mia's mom

Enzo has been acting extremely weird lately, but I don't read too much into it, I asked if he was okay and he said it was just work

He told me he wanted to take me out today, I love when we go on dates, usually ava and matt watch mia when we go out or sometimes maria

I get ready and my outfit is pretty fun today, I've been getting more and more confident with wearing what I want, especially with Enzo making sure I know I'm beautiful every chance he gets

I get ready and my outfit is pretty fun today, I've been getting more and more confident with wearing what I want, especially with Enzo making sure I know I'm beautiful every chance he gets

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(Her outfit^)

Enzo then picks me up

"You look beautiful la Mia Regina" he whispers in my ear and kisses me ( my queen)

"Thank you, you look very nice as well Il Mio re," I say grinning at him ( my king)

"I thought today we could do a pretty chill date, I know you keep saying you wanna get some Chick-fil-A and then get some books from bookstore so that's what we're gonna do" he smiles

"Your the best," I say jumping into his arms

I have been saying I want Chick-fil-A a lot recently and I do really want some books at the bookstore

He's just perfect and it's so cute how he listens to me and remembers random little things

He laughs "you are pretty great too," he says kissing me slowly and gently

We both go get some chick-fil-a and we just talk for a while and hang out a bit

We walk around New York with some coffee that we got after Chick-fil-A just talking and walking to the bookstore

This is literally my ideal date! I love him so much

He knows to me the most special dates are the simplistic ones that focus on being with your person rather than dressing up fancy and going to an expensive dinner

Of course, I love luxury like any girl but when you get down to the reality of it...on a date I just want to spend time with Enzo and not worry about if my overpriced dress got any sauce on it from the food I ate

We walk to the bookstore and he stops me in front of it

"I rented the space out so it's just us in here" he smiles

This is amazing! I can now sing my heart out in here without anyone staring now

"CAN WE SLOW DANCE IN HERE!!" I say excitedly

He chuckles "anything you want Zara, anything at all"

We walk in and walk over to the romance section

As I turn the corner I turn around to see Enzo gone

I knit my eyebrows...

He did NOT just leave me!

 𝐴 𝑃𝐼𝐸𝐶𝐸 𝑂𝐹 𝐶𝐴𝐾𝐸 | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now