-Part eight-

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Enzo's pov

I just got done texting Zara about going to dinner to talk more about the nanny situation when in reality it's just an excuse to go out with her

I would love to just call it a date but I know my daughter really likes her and I don't wanna potentially scare her off so for now, it's just dinner

And of course, I will slip in a question about making sure she is single because I may be a ruthless mafia businessman but I will NEVER be ok with cheating, no matter how much I might want her

I may have had only one conversation with her but that one conversation made me crave more, never in my life have I craved to hear someone's voice as much as Zara's

She's intriguing, and I wanna know more about her and I really wanna just have one of my men make me a file all about her, but I wanna respect her and I don't wanna invade her privacy, I wanna take things as slowly as I can

Even though it's impossible when from the moment I saw her I just wanted to pull her in and kiss this shit out of her, I need to remind myself to go slow, not only slow for Zara but slow especially for my daughter I don't want her having another possible mother figure leaving her in the dust

Mia's mother and I never loved each other at least I didn't love her we had a one night stand she was my last one night stand and I vowed to never do it again, I realized that sex isn't something you shouldn't throw around, it's a very intimate thing between two people and shouldn't be handled like it's simply a hug

After Mia's mother found out she was pregnant she forced me to pay her $1 million in return for her not killing the baby after she had Mia she fled with the money and I haven't seen her since and I don't care to either

Mia is my world and I will never regret her ever

I learned that sleeping around is never a good idea and I will never do it again that should be saved for someone special and to think I can see that special person being Zara frightens me just a little, I mean I don't even know her but I'm ready to

After my conversation with Zara I left for a meeting I had to do, when I got home I immediately gathered some of my men and my best friend Matteo, he has been through the growth of Mia and we have been best friends since little kids both our families are connected to the mafia and that's how we met at a one of the family party's we had to attend

We all head down to the basement to deal with the shitty nanny

"Hello, Mandy was it?" I say lowly while chuckling

She is in chains all blooded from trying to fight my men when they put her down here

I'm not one to hit women I'll never hit a woman, but my child comes first so shooting her will have to do

" come on baby I can give you a little present in return for you letting me go," she says with a smirk on her face

"Ya no thanks I'm good," I say as I get angrier by the second how dare she asks me for a quick round of sex when she neglected my daughter

"Why in the LIVING HELL do you think I'd go anywhere near you let alone let you live after you neglected my daughter, talked shit to her, told her that she was a waste of space...well you know what Mandy YOU are the waste of space in this house, how DARE you sit in my damn office looking like a slut sitting on your phone while my daughter is ALL alone doing god knows what!" I spit out angrily

"GET OVER yourself, your stupid little daughter IS a waste of space you think I talked to you to WATCH YOUR DAMN DAUGHTER !!! No, I wanted to HAVE A QUICK FUC- but nooooo u needed a damn nanny so I had to pretend to give a shit about the child just to be near you, and STILL u don't care when I DRESS HOT! So F YOU ENZO". She spits out

"Sweet dreams Mandy," I say, I look over at Matteo and give him a stern nod

Then we're covered in the crimson liquid I have grown to be a little too comfortable around

"Get rid of her" I spit out "I want her out of my damn house immediately"

And immediately leave to go take a shower I need to get this dumbass's blood off of my damn body

The only thing keeping me calm at this moment is thinking about my dinner with Zara and remembering how perfect she and my daughter looked together

I'm walking downstairs after my shower to hear giggles

"Mattyyyyyy stop that tickles" I hear my princess saying as she's giggling

Matteo is busy attacking her with tickles

I can't help but have a smile on my face I'll forever be grateful to have Mia in my life, and Matteo he's pretty much my brother with how close we have come over the years

We have been through shit and back together

"Hi sweetheart," I say as I walk on over to the couch where Mia is

"DADDDYYY" she screeches

And runs to throw her hands around me to pull me in a hug

" what does my sweet girl wanna do today," I ask her

"MOVIE AND CHOCOLATE !!!" I laugh of course she wants chocolate

"Alright sweetheart let's eat some dinner then we can watch a movie with some chocolate ice cream how bout that?" I ask her

"YES!!! Let's go" she screeches as she pulls me and Matteo into the kitchen to eat

After we finish eating we gather on the couch with some ice cream and blankets per mias request

"What movie are we watching, " Matteo asks Mia

"TANGLED!!! Did u know that Zara looks like princess rapunzel!!" She starts giggling

"Zara is so pretty I wanna be that pretty when I grow up I wanna be a princess like her too!!" She says

"Sweetheart your already a princess," I tell her

"Oh, who's this Zara chick?" Matteo asks

I begin to tell Matteo about her while tangled starts to play

"Oh so you like this girl don't you..." he asks with a knowing smirk on his face

"Should I be worried that there may be another Mia running around soon?" He chuckles

"Shut the hell up matt," I say lowly

"What! I was only half kidding, you know we're both not getting any younger...your 28 and it's time to start thinking of love, and this is the first girl you're showing a real interest in since like Highschool...All I'm saying is this chick must be something really special" he says

"Ya I think she is special I just hope I get the opportunity to get to know her more, and Mia adores her," I tell him


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In Enzo's chapter I wanted to include a little about Mia's mom in it...so the next chapter will probably be the "nondate"

Hello, my lovelies! Don't forget to eat something and drink some water, I love you all ♡︎

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