-Part twenty four-

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Zara's pov

I wake up the next morning with me clinging onto Enzo

Shit...last night

Suddenly everything comes back to me.

The panic attack, Enzo helping me with it, be not wanting to leave him, then him letting me stay with him

God, I'm falling for him. And I can confidently say that

I am still too scared to tell him about my parents and everything, but I don't wanna lie to him

But I'm also not ready, I just hope he understands that

He stirs in his sleep and starts waking up

"Good morning," he says in a very sexy morning voice

Shit I need to be quiet, my brain doesn't know how to chill

"Morning" I whisper

"Are you okay?" He asks

"Yeah, thank you for everything you don't know how much it means to me," I say trying not to cry thinking about how amazing he is

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks

"I'm sorry I'm just not ready," I say voice a little shaken

"Hey," he says grabbing my chin gently so I can look at him in the eye "don't be sorry okay,When you are ready we can talk about it"

"Thank you" I whisper

"It's not anything I did or any of us right?" He asks

Wait? He thinks he did something wrong, great now I'm gonna cry

"No definitely not anything any of you did," I say shaking my head

"Okay, let go eat some breakfast," he says

We now just finished eating breakfast, at breakfast I had to make sure to tell him that it's not because of them once again and that it's complicated and more something with my past and that I promise I'll tell him when I'm ready

And then I realized that it's December and there are no decorations or a tree in this house.

"Hey why don't you have anything Christmasy in your house," I say laughing

"Well I haven't had any time to get a tree or anything, I'll probably have people go out and buy everything in a couple of days or something " he shrugs

WHAT...Does this man not understand half of the experience is walking around picking it yourself.

"WHAT, But it's so much fun picking it out and stuff, wait don't you have work off today?" I ask smiling

"Yeah...I don't have work today" he says rolling his eyes

He looks me in the eye and sees by the expression on my face what I am thinking of

"Get Mia ready and we will pick the tree and everything together" he rolls his eyes slightly smiling

"THANK YOU" I jump from my seat, quickly kiss him on the cheek and go to get Mia ready

And only when I get to Mia's room do I realize I kissed Enzo's cheek...without even thinking about it, it just felt so natural to do

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