-Part twenty five-

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Enzo's pov

It's a couple of days after that night we decorated the house, and I knew everything was too calm and great in my life

I got a call today from one of my men saying someone tried stealing the last damn shipments and a lot of my men got ambushed and hurt

I had the man and the others involved brought to the warehouse

I called Matteo, and he said he got a bit beaten up but not too bad

So of course I am speeding to the warehouse to make sure Matteo and all my men are alright

And so I can kill that piece of shit who tried stealing my damn shipments

I'm entering the warehouse and I don't see or hear anyone at first

I quietly take my gun out to use just in case

I stupidly didn't call back up cus I all I was thinking of was Matteo and my men

Yes I am a damn mafia king, but that doesn't mean I don't have a heart

In fact, I'm trying to distance myself from the mafia world especially because of my daughter and now Zara in my life I don't want to put my 2 girls in any danger

These past few years I have been slowly distancing myself from the mafia in hopes of completely leaving it

I'll still have my almost billionaire dollar company so money won't be an issue

I just want to keep my family safe

I'm about to enter the main room they should be in but before I can enter I get a blow to the back of the head and am soon met with darkness

~an hour later~

I open my eyes to see myself in a room at the warehouse

"Well well, someone's finally awake," someone says

"What the hell do you want" I spit out

"The shipments you imbecile," the man says

"Just take the damn shipments and let me go" I yell

At this point I don't give a damn about any shitting shipments, I just need to get home and make sure Matteo and my men are ok

"Oh we will take them, but how about we shut you up first..." the man says

I'm tied up I have nowhere to go, my men might be dead on the floor and all I can do is do nothing

So I take the hits, the cuts, and every blow they give me

I pretend to be out cold and it seems to work because I hear them talking

"Ok looks like you beat him almost to death, now let's LEAVE," one of them says

"Yeah yeah, hurry up and go grab the damn shipments," another man says

After about 30 minutes I get the strength to break out of these damn ropes and shit

I basically crawl out of the damn room

I get the strength to get up and slowly make my way to check on my men

I see that there all alive

I call my other men to track the people who stole the shipments

There's no damn way there making it out alive for this shit

We all make our way to the cars and some of the men driving are getting checked out by our doctor while others are going straight home

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