-Part twenty two-

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Zara's pov

It's now the next day I am at the bakery telling Ava all about last night

"Wait so he like...got all up close and personal with you and called you a princess!" She says excitedly

"Yeah in Italian," I say

"Holy...wow that's just, DAMN" she shakes her head

"Yeah, I know!" I say shaking my head as well

"And his mom is absolutely amazing, we got pretty close yesterday, she even gave me her number so we can continue talking, she told me she doesn't want me to be without some sort of mother figure in my life," I say my eyes suddenly tearing up

"Aww come here," Ava says bringing me into a hug

"You deserve to have a mother who cares, I am not sure what happened with your parents but from the small amount you told me there absolute shit at parenting, and I'm really happy you found Enzo's mother to get close to," she says tearing up as well

Yeah, absolute shit at parenting indeed...

" thank you, I love you, Aves," I say

"No problem zee bee," she says hugging me even tighter

A little later I'm at the register and see Sophia and Antonio enter the shop with Mia

"Hey, guys welcome to a slice of love!" I smile at them

"Hi Zara" Antonio nods at me

"Hello sweetie," Sophia says

"Hi, princess Zara!!" Mia chirps in

"What can I get you guys" I smile

"CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!" Mia yells

I laugh " okay a slice of chocolate cake, and what about you guys" I smile at Enzo's parents

"I'll try one of those blueberry muffins my son was talking about, and a medium flat white" Antonio says

I can't help but smile, Enzo told his dad about my muffins ...how cute.

"And I'll have a medium mint tea and a slice of raspberry lemon cake " Sophia smiles

"Alright I'll have that up for you guys right now"

"How much for it?" Antonio asks

"Don't be silly it's on the house" I say

"Are you sure sweetie?" Sophia asks

"I'm positive" I smile

"Alright we'll how about you come to dinner with us and Enzo on Saturday?" Sophia says

"It will be our thank you," Antonio says

Awww they're so sweet

I guess some parents are genuinely good people

"Are you sure? I know you don't see your son often and I wouldn't want to impose on your time with him" I say

"Oh, we're absolutely sure, And I know Enzo would love to have you there as well" she smiles

"Well alright then" I smile back

"I'll have something for you to wear sent to your room" she smiles

"Oh no thats really not necessary I'm sure I have something to wear," I say

"Don't be silly I'm already sending them over" she winks

Well guess we're all stubborn over here

Mia just giggles as she sees us talking "is my cake almost here zee" Mia says

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