Chapter 17

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Oliver's POV

By the time I'm let out of the hospital, my back is still sore and I have to be careful but I've mostly healed. My head doesn't hurt anymore and some of the bruises are already that weird yellow color. Leah and Ash are healing well and the stitches by my lip will be removed in a few days.

Sam's Leg should be fully healed in about two months so he won't be able to drive until that's healed and his stitches were removed as I was being cleared, now he just has those little bandages to cover the rest of the healing process. Mom is almost the same as Sam but has fewer bruises to worry about so Ash and Leah are in charge of driving when I can't or when they decide to. "Can we get some food on the way?" Sam asks as Leah pulls out of the hospital parking lot. "I'm starving."

"Me too," I agree as Ash and Mom do as well.

"Alright, I'll stop for food, I'm hungry too anyway," Leah chuckles and we get some fast food on the drive back to Sam's house.

When we finally get there Ash and Leah have to head back to their houses since it's late and their parents need them. Well, Leah's just tired and going to go to bed.

Sam, Mom and I go inside and the tow of them relax on the couch while I go to the bathroom. Once I'm finished I pull my shirt up as gently as I can to look at all the gauze things taped to my back. It's a weird feeling, having them there. At least it's not like I got stabbed that many times. I just got some crap from the wall stuck in my back.

After pulling my shirt back down I join Mom and Sam in watching TV in the living room, careful not to hurt my back when I sit between the two on the couch. Tomorrow Sam and I have to go back to school. I wonder what everyone's going to think. They'll probably stare at us. Leah and Ash went to school today and said everyone was staring so I can only imagine the stares Sam and I will get.

"I'm gonna go to bed," I decide, standing up as it gets late.

"What time is it?"Mom asks as she looks for a way to check the time.

"About ten," I answer as Sam yawns.

"I can get this thing out before I head to bed," he says, motioning to the couch as he stands up with his crutches.

"I can do it," I tell him but he insists on doing it himself so I just move the coffee table out of the way before Mom and I stand out of the way. When the couch is pulled into the bed, Sam points me to where he keeps the extra blankets and pillows for this thing so I grab them for Mom.

"Good night," I give Mom and hug before Sam and I go to his room. Or ours. I don't know anymore, it might as well be both of ours since I sort of live here. "Oh, I have to change the bandages on my back," I remember as I start to change into more comfortable clothes.

"I'm guessing you'll need some help," Sam puts pajama pants on as he offers.

"Please," I nod and he puts on one of his hoodies before grabbing the stuff the doctor gave us to replace this stuff. When he comes back we sit on the bed and I get my shirt off so he can get to all of it.

His hands are warm as he takes the old stuff off. "Why is your back so cold?" He questions. "Why are your hands so warm?" He laughs lightly at me before setting the old gauze and tape aside.

"You're definitely gonna have some scars," he runs his hand gently over some the the cuts. They must be scabbing over or something since it doesn't hurt.

"Scars are cool," I shrug, pulling a pillow to sit in my lap as I sit.

"Then we're about to be the coolest couple ever," I can practically hear his smile.

"You think your stitches are gonna scar?" I glance back at him.

"No, I'm planning to try and get top surgery this summer," I nod. "After I graduate so I don't have to miss school too much."

"That makes sense. The recovery process is pretty long, right? Isn't it a thing that you can't lift your arms too high for a while?"

"Yeah, I'll have to be careful and recruit some help," he starts putting the new gauze on.

"I mean I practically live here so I could help."

"Really?" I nod in response as Sam's gentle hands finish messing with all the cuts. "Thanks." He takes the old stuff out to the garbage before coming back. As he comes back I'm trying to get one of his hoodies over my head without messing with the tape on my back, putting my arms down in front of me with a small sigh.

"You know I'm right here. You could just cuddle with me instead of my hoodie," Sam smirks as he closes the door. The only light in the room is the small lamp he has on his desk now.

"Well get over here then," I toss the hoodie on the floor next to the bed and hold my arms out for Sam to come over. He shuts the lamp off before coming over though, letting me tangle our legs together, carefully since we're both still hurt.

The first night out of the hospital and it's already better just being with Sam and knowing that everyone I love is safe. Falling asleep is no problem tonight as Sam takes a deep breath, his body moving with it before relaxing once again.

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