Chapter 3

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Oliver's POV

Last night Dad yelled at me for half an hour before calming down enough to lecture me for another hour then Mom stepped in to send me to bed. As I leave my room, my ears are filled with Mom's quiet country music playing from the kitchen where the lingering smell of bacon and eggs is coming from.

"Good morning Mom," I say as I enter the kitchen.

"Good morning, Ollie," she smiles as she sets two plates on the table, her blond hair in a ponytail.

"Is Dad already at work?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Yeah, he got called in a few hours ago."

"What time is it now?" I look at the clock, it's only eight. "Oh," I start eating my food.

"So," Mom starts as she sets her fork down. "Who rides the motorcycle?" she smiles.

"What?" I nearly choke on my food before I set the fork in my hand on my plate and regain control of my coughing.

"You know? The mystery person that drove you home last night?" she clarifies.

"Sorry, can't talk with my mouth full," I quickly fill my mouth with the delicious scrambled eggs Mom made.

"Okay," she chuckles. "I'll leave the topic alone. For now." I nod in appreciation as I finish the food I just forced into my mouth. 

"Can I go out later?" I ask once I've swallowed the food in my mouth.

"Do I get to know where?"

"Just to meet a friend at the park and get ice cream," I shrug.

"Isn't Danny out of state this weekend?" She gives me a questioning look.

"Yeah, I'm talking about a different friend," we both nod.

"Okay, you can go. But be home before ten and text me every few hours."

"Ten PM?" She nods. "Okay, thanks, Mom," I smile and we finish eating before washing the dishes together.

"When are you hanging out with your friend?" Mom asks as we go to the couch and sit down, both of us still in our pajamas.

"We're meeting at the park around noon," I answer.

"What's their name?"

"Sam," I can't help but smile.

"Okay," she nods, satisfied enough as we start watching TV.

We watch TV for a while before turning it off and talking about the books we've read for another hour or so. When I look at the time it's almost eleven. "I'm gonna get ready to go," I tell mom.

"Okay," she nods and I head to my room. I grab some clothes and go to the bathroom to shower. After getting dressed and doing everything I need to in the bathroom I go back to my room to find the cologne I got for my birthday last month. Taking the cap off I hold it close to my nose to make sure it doesn't smell bad before spraying a little bit on me.

It's not too strong but it makes me smell nice. "Alright, I'm gonna head out," I say as I put my shoes on by the door. "I'll see you later tonight."

"Okay, be safe, remember to keep me updated," Mom comes over to me as I stand up from tying my shoes.

"I will," I smile to reassure her as I put my bag over my shoulder.

"Good, now go have fun with your friend," she pats my shoulder as I open the front door. "I love you."

"I love you too," I give her a slight wave as I step outside and she closes the door behind me.

I start walking towards the park even though I know I'll be waiting for at least twenty minutes. The park is empty as I walk onto the green grass. There's only a slide, swing set and a set of monkey bars but it's still fun for the kids around here sometimes. Walking over to one of the swingsets I sit down and start swaying. I pull the book out of my bag and start reading as the swing moves slightly.

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