August: Back At It

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Daphne POV

   "Careful, babe. Dont hurt yourself," Chris calls after me as I take another box out to the car. He moves Dodger out of the way so I don't trip over him and end up back in another boot.

   Preplanning had officially begun on Monday. After two days of nothing but meetings, I'm finally getting to work in my classroom which means I'm taking in all of the items I grabbed up during my summer shopping trips.

   "Think you and Hayden can meet Charlotte and I for lunch today?" Slamming the trunk shut I meet my husband where he's opened up the driver's door for me, coffee cup in hand.

"Our shift isn't til 3 so we can make it work I think. I'll text him a little later when I think he's up." He passes me the coffee and waits for his kiss. "Love you, baby." Kiss again. "Have a good day."

"See you soon...I hope," I call out before backing out of our long driveway.

When I get to the school I pull around to a parking space that is as close to my room as I can get and start unloading. Once the boxes are in, I pull my car back around to teacher parking and head into the front office to clock in and check my mailbox.

   It's the first time I've made it up here since planning started two days ago. I found myself looking for my Jeffries mailbox but am pleasantly surprised to find they changed it to Evans.

   As I take my quiet walk back to my room I take a moment to think about this time last year. I was preparing for another year, a new group of kids. Then everything changed, in every aspect of my life. I wouldn't change it for anything.


   "Did you take on grade level chair this year?" Mom asks over our weekly family dinner.

   "No, I did not. Not gonna lie. It felt really good to say no," I tell my family.

   "But you love that kind of thing. Why say no now?" Rene glances at me concerned.

   I look down at my plate, suddenly very interested in my salad. "Because I'm going to prioritize myself and my marriage right now. Nothing says I've seen the last time being chair. I just don't want it this year."  They seem satisfied with my answer just as my phone goes off.

Chris POV

I walk out of the station garage towards my truck. Once I've climbed up into the cab I call Daphne.

"Hey babe! Are you on your way?" Her sweet voice sounds so hopeful. I hate to disappoint her.

"Actually, no. I have to pull a double." I attempt to hide my own disappointment behind my voice but I'm sure I'm failing.

She's silent for a few moments. I realize then that she's heading for her parent's porch as I hear a door shut behind her.  "Chris. That's your third double this week."

"Believe me, I know," I exhale loudly.

"But, we've barely seen each other all week."

She's right. The amount of time we've been around each other over the course of the last week might equal an hour. Most of it has been in passing as one of us is leaving when the other is just getting home.

"Honestly, I don't think Meridian cares." He certainly doesn't come across as if he does. 

   Some things I've learned over the course of the first month with our new leader include that he is divorced. His children are grown, each living at least two states away. He's also an ex drill sergeant. That bit of news came as a shock to absolutely no one, especially Hayden. The man eats, sleeps and breathes structure and rules.

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