June: Double Date

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Daphne POV

  "What time are we suppose to meet them?" I ask Chris, rushing around between the bathroom and bedroom trying to make myself presentable.

  "It starts at 6:30, so 6:15," he calls out to me from the shower, the steam creating moisture over the mirrors, hindering my attempt to fix my hair and face.

  Glancing over at the hanging clock I see it's already 5:00. "Dang it! I knew I shouldn't have gone up to the school today."  It was the last day of school and I desperately wanted to see my kids before they started summer break. I hadn't planned on doing anything except saying hello and wishing them well. But then, sweet Aiden, begged me to get up in the dunk tank to see if they could dunk me. I couldn't say no. Unfortunately it also meant I needed another full shower which meant washing and drying and fixing my hair all over again. And cleaning the mascara off my cheeks after I forgot that I wasn't wearing waterproof mascara.

  "Sweetheart," Chris started, "you're rarely on time for anything." He comes walking out with the towel slung around his hips.

  I shoot him a death glare. "Hush it, Christopher."

  "Does he have all the tickets or did you get ours from him?" I ask.

  Chris walks into the closet. I hear him rustling hangers around before he finally answers me. "Hayden gave me our two tickets, just in case."

  I stop running around and stand in the middle of our room. Taking a deep breath I attempt to make myself calm down before I let my anxiety take full control over me. Inhale...through my nose....five count. Exhale...through my mouth...five count. Repeat.

  Chris comes in from the closet to find me in the middle of my breathing exercises. "Babe?"  I hold up a single finger, telling him to wait a moment, eyes still closed, concentrating on my breathing. Slowly, opening my eyes as my heart rate drops closer to normal. 

  Seeing that I'm more calm, Chris puts his hands on my arms. Looking into my eyes he speaks softly. "You okay?"

  "Getting there," I smile as I go up on my top toes to kiss his lips. "Mhm...much better now." He returns my smile with his own sweet one. It's now that I realize Chris is standing in only a pair of light grey suit pants. My heart rate picks up again as I take in the plains of his chiseled torso. I place my hand on his chest and gently push us away from one another. "Put a shirt on, you're making me nauseous," I say teasingly knowing good and well that he knows exactly why I had to push him away.

  Setting my shoulders back I move ahead with what I have left to do. Make-up for tonight is a little more bold, heavier. A brown smokey eye and a lipstick shade called cocoa covers my lips before stepping into an emerald green, form fitting, lace dress. A pair of black ankle strapped heels adorn my feet.

   Moving back into the bedroom I see Chris is no longer there. I hear a loud, sharp whistle come from the back door. "Come on Dodge. Let's go bubba, we've gotta go."

   He closes the glass door behind Dodger before turning towards me. This time the whistle that leaves his lips is no longer calling for the dog. "Like what you see?" I ask giving a little turn.

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