July: Wobble Baby Wobble

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Chris POV

"No, no, no, no!" Daphne whined, holding her head in her hands.

I gently rubbed her back as the doctor continued speaking.

"Mrs. Evans, right now it's considered minor but if you can't stay off of it then it can become worse. You'll need to ice it religiously, keep it wrapped and elevated. I'm suggesting that, at least for the next three weeks, that you also use crutches when you're not at home," the ER doctor urges her.

Daphne looks at me, better yet, glares at me. I'm the reason she's sitting on this hospital bed after making her come to the ER. I had set an alarm for every twenty minutes last night, getting up and icing her ankle. It continued to swell even after having it elevated while she tried to sleep in the recliner. 800 mg of ibuprofen weren't helping her either.

"So, essentially, my summer vacation is over," she says to the doctor but she's still staring at me.

"Technically there's still four weeks of summer break. If you follow the doctor's orders then you'll have at least one week to do whatever before school starts," I assure her. She's not amused.

   "I'll go and get those crutches for you and a script for some pain meds," the doctor mentions. He nods towards me before walking back through the curtain that separates Daphne's bed from the rest of the ER.

  Daphne had been sitting on the edge of the bed, but now she's dramatically flung herself onto her back as she groans. "I was gonna go down to Disney with Rene and the girls next weekend."

   "Normally I'd say you could just get a wheelchair but with the girls in a stroller that won't work out well," I try to be convincing. "You don't want to go now anyways. It'll be way too hot for you."

   "But it's Disney," she pleads with a pout of her lip.

  I lean down over her. "Interested in a compromise?" I offer.

   "Compromise?" She says, intrigued.

   "What if I take off a couple days in October and we go to Disney World together?"

   Daphne's eyes get smaller, she's chewing the corner of her cheek. "But what's the compromise for now?"

   I stand up straight again, arms crossed over my chest. "Scott's going out of town next weekend. I'll tell him we'll house sit and I'll be at your beck and call with a great view of the ocean."

   "Disney and the beach are not really interchangeable. However, I say yes, with one other change."

   I look at her questioningly.

   "We do Disney in December. I prefer the Christmas decor over Halloween."

  "Okay," I nod. "No problem."

  "And we stay on property," she continues.

   This is getting a bit richer now. "Like as our Christmas gift to each other?"

   Her eyes dodge around the room. "Sure." I'm not convinced by that 'sure' but let's face it, I'd give her whatever she wants.

   "I'll see what I can do," I tell her. "IF you stay off your foot."

   "Aye, aye Captain," she responds with a salute.

   "Speaking of Captain," I check my watch. "I've got to be at a mandatory meeting at 4 up at the station. The new Chief is suppose to be coming in."

   "Are you nervous?"

  I can't lie to her. I shift from side to side on my feet.  "A little bit. I don't think anyone can compare to Chief Parrs."

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