Chapter 71

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Having a boyfriend is a good thing, but when he interrupts your relationships with others then he can definitely be troublesome. I don't want Derek to be insecure about my relation with Bobby and others. He is like my friend, moreover he is married and is a father of two sons. There is nothing to be jealous of.

"I am not being over protective here. I just don't want anyone else to talk to you", Derek says.

"I hate that Derek. Bob is married and Shane is his son. Are you thinking he is hitting on me?", I say and cringe. 

"Yes, Of course he's hitting on you! cant you just see it?", Derek asks in annoyance.

"Why is it even bothering you!?", I yell. How can he even think like this about Bob and me? 

"I don't want to talk about it", he says and looks away.

"Why are you avoiding the question? Just say it", I force him to say.

"I am not. Can we talk about it later please!", Derek is annoyed and so am I. What was I even thinking inviting him here?

Without any further conversation, I reach for the door handle and step out of the room. I make my way to the beige section of designs and Derek quietly follows me.

Once I come to room 04, I look around. It is covered with designs only in beige color and the lights are bright. The designs look so exquisite with beige decorations at its sides. Derek is looking at me, but I ignore him completely. 

"Hey", a male voice says from my side. I turn around to find Shane dressed in a white tuxedo with a black bow tie. His hair is perfectly gelled and his black shoes are shining against the light. He looks so handsome and I instantly smile at him.

"You look nice...", Shane compliments me.

"You look good too", I say and give him a thumbs up.

"Dad was like all over the place telling me how good you looked", Shane says and I laugh.

"Bob is such a kid", I say in return.

Shane looks at Derek and then at me. "Is he the one?", He asks. I raise my brows at him, "What?"

"Your friend", Shane says and waves at Derek "Hey, I am Shane, Jessie's co-worker."

"My friend", I correct Shane and Derek looks at me.

"Hey Shane. I am Derek."

I shake my head few times to actually believe what is happening in front of me. Where is Derek? Who is this boy who just introduced himself to Shane? Derek stretches his hand out at Shane and smiles. Am I dreaming?

"Nice to meet you Derek", Shane says shaking his hand with Derek.

"Jessie is really lucky to have a friend like you Shane. I know it must be a bit difficult to work in such a big enterprise, but I am sure you will help Jessie adjust with it. Thank you for always being there for her", Derek says and hugs Shane. 

"Ok.. I need to go now or else dad is going to burn me alive", Shane mocks and Derek laughs. I chuckle awkwardly and fumble with my hands.

Shane exits the room and walks away. Immediately I take a step closer to Derek. "What was that?", I ask.

"I am sorry Jazz... I know its normal for people to compliment you and tell you that you look beautiful. Its the way people are and should be. I am so stupid for acting like that before", Derek says and looks down ashamed.

"You really have some good guys here", he says and smiles. Its a genuine smile.

"I am happy that you understood", I say and wrap my arms around him. Derek buries his head into my neck and pulls me closer. I don't bother about the people staring at us in the room. I am happy that Derek realized his obnoxious behavior and tried to correct it.

"I am bothered because you mean the world to me Jazz...", Derek answers me and I look up at him.

"Yes, you do", he says and I smile at him. I pull away from Derek. 

"I have a lot of work to do", I say and sigh. Derek chuckles, "Go on then", he says. I love to see him like this. All mine and happy. This is the real Derek. The one who was with me few minutes back, yelling and talking shit, was just a projection from his past.

I stand behind the desk and ask the clients to fill the feedback form and write their names in the register book. Derek also helps me with my work and guides the clients to look at the designs. Shane visits the room few times and offers to help me a little bit with my work. It feels so good to see Derek and Shane get along so well. They look like brothers and I wish Shane always gets to see only this side of Derek.

Finally after eight hours of working, the event comes to an end. Clients makes their way out of the office and wishes luck to Bobby. Derek, Shane and I are exhausted. Veronica offers me a drink, but I refuse it. Bobby joins us in the lobby and sits down next to Veronica.

"Thank you all for making this event a grand success. It means a lot to me", Bob says.

"Dad.. we are meant to do that", Shane rolls his eyes funnily. Derek and I laugh at him and Bob swats Shane's arm.

"Mr. Royston, thank you for being such a good host", I say and smile. 

"True! I am good host!", Bob says proudly and we all laugh.

"Thank you Derek for being here and helping us with the event", Bobby says to Derek.

"I loved BB", Derek says in return and nod.

"Well... its already midnight. I guess we should go back home now", Veronica suggests.

"Yeah... anyway tomorrow is a holiday. So, see you both on Monday morning", Bobby says looking at Shane and me.

"Monday?", I ask. I am supposed to be working for at least four days a week. 

"Oh Jessie, just take a break. So see you all on Monday, Don't be late!", Bob says and walks out of the lobby. 

"Goodnight everybody", Shane bids us goodbye and leaves. Veronica too follows him and leaves. I look at Derek and sigh.

"Let's go", He says and holds my hand. My feet are aching because of standing for so long wearing the damn heels. I tremble a bit, but Derek catches me. 

Hey guys, I understand the event was short and brief. But I didn't want to drag it so I kept it less detailed. So how are you liking the story? do you want some changes in the story line? Please give me some suggestions, ideas or any opinions about the storyline because there are only few chapters left to complete the book. SO Please!! do vote and comment!!! 

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