Chapter 39- Laughter in the tombs

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Hayley's POV

"That's right bi*ch"

Katherine came from somewhere and I saw the same hatred radiating off from her face

Instead of coming for me, she looked at Christian

"Long time no see Christian" she smiled like it was a meet up and I felt myself disgusted by the look on her face

She looked down to where Enzo was laying and spoke

"So Christian, let's make a deal? Give me your wh*re of a wife in exchange of her friend?

"NO" I blurted out

"Why would I do that Katherine?"

I knew exactly what Christian was going to say but I couldn't let Enzo be in this danger

"Christian" I looked at him but his look was fixated on Katherine. He studied her calmly but Katherine looked bored with this conversation

She sighed and shot Enzo on his shoulder before I could say anything and in result I only screamed.

Katherine started laughing like it was all some big joke and I couldn't take it anymore

I buried my face in Christian's chest and sobbed.
My heart felt like it was crushing. I felt horrible and I didn't know what to do.

I wanted to open my eyes and be in the bed with Christian. I felt powerless and useless

"Let's try again Christian, how about you take your wife's place and I can gladly leave all of the others including your brothers"

Christian considered and after a minute he kissed my hair

"I'm sorry"

I started panicking, No this cannot be true.
I held onto Christian like my life depended on it but my soul left my body when he loosened my grip

"We have a deal Katherine, you will let all of her and my family go"

Katherine clapped her hands like some physic bitch and said

"great now everyone can get the f*ck outta here except you my baby Christian"

I still was denying everything that happened and refused to leave. I stood there as tears flowed down my face furiously and I couldn't do anything.

"Christian you promised to never leave me Christian please" I sobbed as I saw him and his eyes took me in.

"Give us 5 minutes Katherine" Katherine shrugged but said

"3 minutes, say your goodbyes" she turned around and left but I knew we couldn't escape.

Kai stood behind me but I didn't care. All the others left with Enzo but right now, I didn't even care about him.

All I cared about was my husband.


Christian came forward and cupped my face "Hayley, I cannot do this"

I nodded my face in defeat. His words shattered me
I looked at him for the last time but Katherine walked in.

"I love you Hayley, I love you so much. Im sorry I didn't say this earlier but you are the love of my life, always and forever"

this was the first time Christian said that to me but I wanted more. I wanted him to say this to me every night and morning when we woke up together

"Christian" Katherine stormed towards him and held him

She looked furious and before I could get hold of what was happening

"If you can't be mine then not anyone else's, let me make sure of that"

She took a gun and shot him. His body fell to the ground as blood poured out of his body

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