Chapter 20-A long time away

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Unknown's POV
"Did you get it?" I spoke in a cold voice as I gestured my man to bring me the pictures

"Yes boss. These are the pictures of the girl you asked for and her past in the folder" he kept the file on the desk and walked outside

I turned my chair around and opened the file as her picture caught my attention and I smiled

"I told you, you were going to be mine sooner or later love"

Christian's POV
Hearing his name made me feel a lot of things and I didn't notice when I drifted off

"Boss?" George asked concerned

"Yeah?" I said straightening my shoulders

"Is there any more information you need?"

"Yes actually find me everything you can about Jonathan, his past included"

"Sure thing boss"

I ended the call and ran my hand through my hair in stress

Dammit this is all planned I must protect her.

"Protect who?" Hayley asked me and I turned around almost immediately to see her leaning against the counter table looking a little

I walked towards her, held her by the shoulders and said

"No one baby, I need to leave for now but I'll be back soon. Stay inside the house and don't open the door for anyone except me or our family okay?"

"Sure but is everything okay?" she asked concerned

"Yes it is baby" I kissed her forehead and made my way towards the front door. I have to face it now there is no avoiding

Hayley's POV
When Christian took more time I got a little irritated so I made my way towards him and heard him say "I must protect her"

I couldn't help but say "protect who?" because honestly I was a little jealous but he assured me everything was fine and left

I felt strange when he asked me to not open the doors for anyone like am I in danger

I instantly recalled the first time we met and shivers ran through my spine

I decided to take a shower and chill for today so I headed to Christian's- our room

Christian's POV
I drove insanely as if it was a matter of life or death but the quarters was a little far from my place and I had to go there as soon as possible

When I reached there I walked towards my room and asked George to come in with our most loyal people

There were 5 of them including George but George was also like my right hand

George came inside with Jason he was good at hacking- Tyler who was good at both shooting and drawing sketches- Daniel and Joseph who were also loyal and closest in the place

I ordered Daniel and joseph to keep an eye on Kai and find his quarters- I asked Tyler to keep an eye on our quarters and make sure everyone present here is ready for any uninvited raids and lastly Jason to somehow track Kai's current location to help Daniel keep an eye on him

I asked George to do what I asked him to do on the phone and they dispersed doing their assigned tasks

I sighed in frustration because Jonathan is really unpredictable and this is why he runs the strongest mafia beside me and kai being engaged with him makes Mathew being engaged in mafia somehow which also means he knew about kai and that is why he hesitated to talk about it

I quickly stood up as the thought of kai knowing about me and Hayley and Hayley being Jonathan's daughter crossed my mind

I grabbed my phone and headed out trying to call Hayley constantly but she wasn't picking up. I panicked and immediately ran towards the car to head home

I hope she is alright

Hayley's POV
When I came out of the shower I saw a missed call from an unknown number and I called it back thinking it could be someone important
The person picked up on the first ring

"Hello?" I spoke

"Hi Hayley, remember me?"


"Oh glad to know you still remember" he led out a chuckle

"Where'd you get my number kai?" I asked a little angry

"Oh it was easy I just had to ask for the most beautiful girl's number"

I blushed immediately and couldn't form words

"Is everything okay?" his voice switched from soft to concerned

"Uh yeah, so why did you call me kai? To apologize or to play the same act you did last night?"

"I'm sorry Hayley I had too many drinks and honestly I called because I was embarrassed after I regained my senses and I was hoping you'd give me another chance?"

"Uhm I would like to consider it but I need time"

"Of course take your time but let me know whenever you decide" he said almost immediately

"Sure" I said as I ended the call and made my way downstairs to watch a movie or something

Christian's POV
Hayley's phone was going busy constantly and I was getting worried as I drove towards the house

George called me once again and I answered it

"Boss there is a problem"

"What is it George?"

"Boss Jason tracked kai's location and it looks like he's going to your residence"

"How can u be so sure?"

"Boss he was tracking him since 15 minutes and his phone is constantly moving towards your residence and it isn't very far"

I tensed immediately

"Okay" I ended the call and stepped on the gas but had to slow down

Dammit traffic-

I was stuck in traffic and there was no way I could get out before 30 minutes, it'll be too late I don't know if kai is alone or he has his men with him

F*ck it- the thought of him hurting Hayley made me angry and I dialed George

"George send 3 people to my house and ask them to guard it, IMMEDIATELY"

"Okay boss"

That is odd, no one knows about my private residence except George and my family

How did kai find it and why the fuck is he going there???? Does he know I have Hayley??

I slammed the steering so hard that my hand turned red

I called Hayley and this time she answered


There was some ruffling behind the phone and I couldn't exactly make out what it was

"Christian I think something is wrong, come back fast" she said in a horrified tone and my knuckles turned white

I turned the car and started driving on the other way not caring about anything

If she is in danger I have to be there as soon as possible

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