Chapter 30: Are You Hungry

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When she screamed I rushed right over to her in a panic. Then she falls into me with another scream, when the little sprite appears, I breathe a sigh of relief that there's no danger. And am now amused that such a thing could frighten her. I mean yes it's a tiny floating man, but still.

Then I ask the questions that have been going through my mind since I knew of the sprite, who goes by Zephyr. It's amazing really and he tells us so much information. We have a section in the archives on sprites, but it's scarce. We know of them and their power, but not how they came to be or why they went extinct. Now I do and it will be information that can be added. But not until the time is right. If they were hidden from our history for a reason, I wouldn't want to cause trouble by making them known. 

When he tells her the little he can about her mother, I see her face fall. It hurts my heart to see her like that so I pull her into my arms tight, for comfort. Then she does a 180 and changes the subject and is back to herself. When Zephyr goes to my height and poses for her. I chuckle at how impressive he thinks he is. Then in true Kylie fashion, she asks if he can make one appendage bigger! Before he gets a chance to answer I see her aura flashing with desire and as it reaches for me I know she must be thinking about mine and Jesse's particular appendage. And damn if I don't want her right now

"Angel. You keep thinking whatever it is your thinking and I'll be stripping you here and now, to fuck that sweet pussy I know is drenched with want right now." I whisper in her ear and then start kissing down her neck making her shiver. When her magic starts to wrap around me, making me hard, I forget everyone around for a second. That is until Parker exclaims

"Argh, seriously Kylie. We need to work on this shit. I can't keep feeling all your…. Feeling! Some things should be private. Fuck im horney as fuck." I forgot he feels what she does. Though I didn't think it would affect him in this instance. But it brings us back to the present and we both burst out laughing.

When she tells him to make use of it, he doesn't even let me finish saying that I can watch out for Kylie before he's off, sprinting towards my house so he can go be with his mate. Kinda makes me want to haul Kylie back so I can have my way with her. Before I can suggest that though I hear Zephyr say he can stop that from happening to Parker, which she refuses thinking it will be hilarious. She would as she likes Winding him up, according to Jesse and from what I've seen. Then he answers her question of making something bigger and he doesn't get what she means after saying she didn't mean his arm. I try not to laugh and end up snorting while she is full on belly laughing. I think it's my favourite sound.

I tell him to ignore her as I pull her back into my arms and ask her if she's ready to leave. Jesse should be done with Elizabeth soon, so we will meet up with him and she can tell him what she's learned about her mother and Zephyr. We also have to see our fathers and make sure everything is all set up for us to leave everything in their hands. I'm sure they will want to meet Kylie at some point too. 

Jesse's father Aiden, has yet to meet her and is now thrilled and putting the word out that Jesse is King and not just an ordinary Alpha. Jesse has told me how excited his mother is to meet her as well. And they don't even know that she's mine too. That's going to be a shocker for them all. But we've discussed it and have decided to leave that little bomb until she's fully mated with mate number 3. We can do it at the same time then. Have a family dinner or something. You know the saying: 3 birds, one stone.

Before we leave she asks Zephyr if her tree has a name. I like how she refers to it as hers. It's been the witch's sacred tree since we came to be, but she's taken ownership. When Zephyr tells her it's Belladonna, her face takes on a spaced out look, I see frustration, confusion, shock and recognition across her face, then she gasps looking at Bella. (that's what iv shortened it to) I cup her face to make her look at me and tell me what it is. Tears start falling and I wipe them away as she then gets animated and holds on to me desperately, as she explains she knows her mothers name which is Bella Donna Willow. So close to the tree in name and look, as it looks more like a weeping willow than the multiple species it is. It can't be a coincidence. Which means she's definitely onto something when she says she has another connection to the witches other than me. We just need to find it and fill in the missing pieces.

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