Chapter 13 [SELF ESTEEM]

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When I settled down in my office, I laid my head back on my seat. I didn't want to see him here. But what would he be doing here this early? I had so many questions. My thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing his throat. I looked up only to see Mr Bolodenka looking at me with a look of impatience. "Finally you got out of your trance. Well I want to introduce you to the rest of the stuff, follow me to the board room." With that, he walked out and without wasting anytime I followed him.

We went into the elevator and up to the fifth floor. He opened the door for me and I got in. There were alot of people. My breath hitched and I suddenly became nervous. There was one time when I used to be confident but Xavier used to say somethings that murdered my self esteem. And as they say, if you are told something one too many times, you start to believe it until it becomes your reality. Since then, I've avoided situations where I have to address a crowd.

I lowered my head and started to feel self conscious. My mind started throwing questions at me that made me feel uncomfortable. I wondered if my skirt was decent or long enough or if it had a stain or if it was wrinkled. I kept quizzing my self about my shirt. Was it transparent, could someone see the color of my bra?, is my hair messed up?, is my mascara smudged? The questions kept coming and I felt suffocated. Then someone held my hand and it eased me. I finally gained composure. I looked up to see the stripper I saw earlier today. She was the one who was giving me emotional support. I gave her a small smile and she whispered, "let's seat down, we're still at the door you know" I nodded.

Mr Bolodenka gestured for me to seat beside him and the stripper sat next to me. She was still holding my hand. On my opposite direction, also next to Mr Bolodenka, was the lady that was with him in his office earlier. They really acted like nothing happened.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you all to this meeting, I also want to thank all of you for showing up on such short notice. The meeting will be brief. Without wasting anytime, let me introduce you all to Crystal Danford, she'll be the new General Manager, I would really appreciate it if you all made her feel comfortable. Do not give her a hard time. All of you will be answering to her.
On to the introductions.
To my left is Clarissa, she's your assistant, and she'll be reporting everything to you. Then next to her, is Mr Cedric, he is the accountant, and next to you is Miss Scarlet Rein, she's the top and the best stripper and also the head and the one who represents the strippers in the club, then there's Loretta, she's the head of the waiters and waitresses, there's Chris, the head of the bar tenders, Dwayne the head of the security team, there's Maria the head of the cleaners , Dj Spar, she's our permanent dj and lastly, Martha, she's the head of HR.
With that, I'll leave you all to familiarize with her and get to know each other for thirty minutes and get back to work after that. Have a nice day ahead." He then stood up and left.

The room was suddenly filled with whispers. I turned my head to face Scarlet. She looked at me with a grin. "Thank you so much for the emotional support you gave me. I don't know what I could've done if you I hadn't held my hand. Thank you so much." I said with pure gratitude and appreciation. " You don't have to thank me sweat heart, and you don't owe me anything, Friends?" She answered and placed her hand forward for a hand shake. I took it and agreed to be friends with her.

" I saw you earlier, in the private room, you could've staid to watch, why did you leave?" She asked and I remembered what she was talking about, "Oh I actually thought you needed some privacy so I decided to explore elsewhere" she just laughed and before she could answer, Clarissa grabbed my wrist and pulled me outside. "Don't you dare say anything about what you saw earlier or I'll get you fired. Also know your place." she hissed and I gave her a surprised look. I was about to say something but she walked out on me. Scarlet came outside,"what the hell was that?" She asked and I just shrugged. I walked back to the office with her. Some waiters and waitresses came and greeted me. I was so happy to finally interact with them.


Ever since my car blew up and I was gifted my mechanic's head, things haven't been going on so well. Today before I got to the office, I received a call from my assistant that three of our biggest investors have pulled out. I went to the office to try and schedule a meeting with them so that they can reconsider their decision but it turns out that they have already invested their money in other business deals. Then, I was supposed to have a meeting with the government officials to secure a deal that would benefit us for twenty five years but when I got there, they told the receptionist to tell me that the have found a better deal. I felt so angry that everything is starting to fall apart. So I went to the club.

I have never been to this club before but I really like it. It was still very early in the morning and I didn't really think that I'll find people here but shock on me, the club was packed. I went to the bar and got a couple of drinks. Then a lady in a black dress approached me. Since I wasn't drunk yet, I took her to the nearest hotel. I have plans to release my anger on her.

When we got to the hotel, she was quick to undress. She was making it look like we were about to make love. I've only made love to one person and that was Crystie, the rest, i have meaningless sex with them. She tried to unbutton my shirt but I stopped her. I opened my belt and unzipped my pants, she knew what followed next because she was on her knees. She started to massage my balls with her hand. She then took my dick into her mouth and started to lick the tip. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and forced her take in my full length. She gagged but I started to thrust in her mouth. She finally took my pace and started to work on my dick but she wasn't satisfying me. I wanted to fuck her but I didn't want to put my dick into someone I didn't know. Bro what if she had an STI or STD. That thought alone made me cringe. I pushed her away from me and I zipped up my pants. I got out and paid for the room before I left. I went to my house to sleep but,
I received a call from the police telling me that they have a lead on who's behind the bombing of my car and the death of Matteo, my mechanic. I was shocked to find out who the person is. I gave my consent for them to get the warrant of arrest and get the person behind bars. The things people do for revenge. I am coming for you. I said to myself as I changed my clothes and left the house to go and catch the culprit.

Thank you for reading this chapter. Please tell me how you like the book so far.

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