eleven | the walls have fallen

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"Ivy?" Ms Valentine murmured over the phone, clutching it tightly as the girl she hoped for, the girl she wanted to apologise to, was even remotely interested in her despite the dull conversation they shared this morning. "Are you there?"

"I'm here Ms Valentine." The younger girl replied bluntly, her eyes tiredly scanning the city streets as she began to wait for a response, however, silence fell upon them as Blake became nervous.

"If I gave you my number just for you to stay quiet over the phone then please end the call before you waste my time, Ms Valentine." Ivy raised her voice, already impatient from the woman's cowardness.

"No, please stay." Blake responded, her voice itching with desperation. "It'll only take a moment."

"Go on." Ivy ushered irritably.

On the phone, Ivy heard a heavy sigh from Blake, yet she felt no remorse for being blunt with her words.

Her hands beginning to slightly sweat and her position now pacing back and forth through her penthouse, she began her apology. "I apologise for my behaviour and what I said today. You were right, I was avoiding you, it was a childish thing to do, and even worse, I lied to you. But I wasn't lying when I said I wanted you, and... I still do."

Ivy wasn't taken back to her answer, she figured Blake still did want her by the email she sent, but she wanted to make her work for her forgiveness, make her earn it. So by doing this, she stayed quiet over the phone. Blake took this opportunity to evaluate her apology further.

"It was selfish enough that I said all those things hoping that you'd feel the same but then shutting you out. But I meant everything I said that night because I like you a lot, more than I should, and at this point, I don't care how unprofessional it is. All I want is you, and only you."

Her heart quickening by the woman's confession, Ivy smiled at the now-forgotten conflict she had with Blake. It was now irrelevant to her now that she knew the answer to all the questions in her head about where Blake stood in their unprofessional relationship. 

"You mean that?" Her voice hitched as she tried to conceal her softening tone however failing once Ivy heard herself speak out loud.

Blake didn't hesitate to answer. "More than I should." 

Ivy smiled to herself knowing she still cared for her. "Meet me outside the penthouse if you'd like, I'd rather do this face to face."

Over the line, Ivy heard Blake chuckle. "I already am."

Confused, Ivy began to question Blake's sense of humour. Her thoughts were interrupted as Blake ended the call abruptly and heard a set of knocks on her door.

Walking to the sound, she opened the door to see the woman she wanted to see dearly, her hair slightly ruffled yet still pleasing to the eye, a small amount of makeup applied in which included a glossy lipgloss that made her lips teasingly attractive.

"Hey, neighbour."

• • •

Skipping formalities and the awkwardness due to Ivy's cause, the two were above the penthouse block and moved to the highest level in which was home to a large pool and its tanning accommodation lounge.

Although it was the crack of midnight, the two women could see perfectly from the way the built-in lights from the pool reflected through the clear water. 

With the city lights still brightly beaming, the sound of cars driving through the almost deserted streets, this was a perfect evening shared.

Ivy played with the water that submerged her feet, distracted by the way the water rippled endlessly by her command, Blake took this time to fall deep into the girl's figure and profile.

In this slightly dimming light, Ivy's hair framed her face perfectly as some strands fell loose from her messy ponytail. Her eager eyes became more calming and told a story in which Blake couldn't figure out yet, but it was elegant enough to be enchanted by. 

Blake's eyes roamed down to the younger girl's full lip seized between her pearly whites as she played around with the water like a little child, she noticed she did this whenever she'd be distracted or too focused to be listening to the outside world.

Distracted by her thoughts and admiration of the girl, Blake didn't notice the girl beginning to strip to her underwear, and when she did, Ivy's body was already immersed into the heated water, her eyes trained on Blake to follow.

The older woman followed Ivy to the more shallow end, she watched as Ivy's body floated gracefully towards her destination before she had dipped her feet into the water and sat on the edge of the pool like Ivy did previously.

Blake's baggy t-shit laid promptly on her mid-thigh as her leggings were lost with Ivy's belongings.

Gripping onto the wall for comfortability, Ivy began to speak delicately. "So, what are we?"

It wasn't a question she wanted to avoid since Blake wasn't appalled by the idea of being more intimate with Ivy anymore. Because of this, Blake felt free enough to speak the truth without internally lying to herself and causing more trouble between the two.

"I don't know honestly." Blake began, raking a hand through her hair as a reflex. "We don't need to put a label on us just yet, but if it helps, I'm fine with taking it slow." Indeed Blake didn't want to rush things with Ivy, it was something she fought for, therefore she deserved to savour whatever she had with the girl until the very end.

"Yet." Ivy repeated below Blake, her body still submerged in the pool of water and her hands acting as a resting place for her head. "So if  this works, you wouldn't mind putting a label on us?"

"Not at all." Blake responded, her eyes softening at the excited girl below her. "But that's only if you can keep up with me."

Taking this as a challenge as usual, Ivy rolled her eyes as her head tilted slightly. "I'm more than capable of such, Ms Valentine." She replied as her hands were placed on the woman's lower thigh, moving them outwards so her body could fit in between them.

"I wouldn't think so." Blake retorted, a knot in her stomach forming as she inched closer, Ivy following the same action until they were merely centimetres apart. "What're you waiting for? Show me." 

Almost instantly, Ivy made the final move to close the gap.

Blake then felt a rush of helplessness as she sunk into the girl's taste and touch. Ivy's hands cupped her face, droplets of water seeping through the older woman's clothing in the process. Softly at first, they kissed as if they were too shy to begin with, however Blake took advantage of this and tilted Ivy's head to deepen the kiss further, initiating more passion and fire.

The older woman's lips tastes like a sugar - sweet, rich and addicting to the most, simply, Ivy couldn't get enough of it. Her hands found Blake's as she stepped back, pulling the older woman each step until she entered the pool.

Smiling down at the girl, she re-connected their lips, eager to taste her once more. This showed Blake that every other kiss before Ivy was irrelevant to her, no longer existing.

Both drowning in the tension they shared, Ivy began walking forward, thus leading to Blake moving backwards in effort to follow her movement until she hit the wall.

"I told you I could keep up." Ivy mumbled as she broke the kiss, gazing into the eyes of someone she finally caught. "I guess you were wrong."

"Nice try, love-" The woman mumbled as she flipped their position to which Ivy was being pinned against the wall instead of Blake. "-But I'm never wrong."

Blake's fingers gripped her hair as she pulled it enough for Ivy's neck to be exposed at her disposal. The younger girl moaned as she felt Blake teething on her neck, leaving marks wherever she pleased.

Now pressed up against each other, Ivy felt Blake - all of her. She inhaled her intoxicating scent as she moans fueled the woman above her, adding more gasoline to the large fire.

Splitting her legs with her knee, Blake began to take control over this situation as always, she became possessive and more dominant whenever we were with Ivy, she brought out the worst in her, but somehow, Ivy liked her even more.

• • •

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