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[A rollercoaster of emotions in this chapter. Beware. Death and blood included]

"Where the fuck do you think you going?" A boy aged probably around fourteen asked.

"Mom and dad are no more here, Easton. What would I-" the other boy of the same age replied.

"Shut up!"


"I said shut up! You were born here, raised here with me and you are meant to be my beta when the time comes. And you thought of leaving me and be beta-less alpha forever? What about the promises we made about working for the pack together, huh?" he pushes his friend by the chest. "I'm never letting you go. You are my best friend, Duncan. And you will be my beta"


"I'm not listening to any of your stupid excuses. It's decided" he pulls the little man into a hug. "You will be here with me. F-forever"

"A-always" the boy hugged his alpha's back and sobbed in his chest, for the last time as he promised.


"Easton," Blake called putting a hand on his mate's shoulder. It was sometime past midnight and Easton had not blinked his eyes once. He sat on the chair near the gallery gazing at the moon, round and shiny. All he could see was the boy he grew up with which made him impossible to even think of anything but to rescue him. Safe and sound.

"Hm?" he mindlessly raised his head not even aware of who he was talking to until he saw Blake.

"Are you okay?" Blake stroked his mate's hair gently. Blake knew the feeling of losing someone. But, he was sure he would do anything in his course to protect Duncan. He was a great person, as long as Blake knew. But, the fact that he was Easton's best friend made the urge to protect him more.

"I don't know anymore, Blake" he admits honestly, leaning into the touch. "Do you want to listen to a story?" Easton asked hesitantly.

"A story?"


"I am all ears" Blake replied with a smile. He knew very well, that his mate's heart was not stable. He might act like a tough alpha with no emotions on the outside but on the inner part, he was just a man who loved his family. And Duncan was indeed his family.

Easton took Blake's waist in his arms and made him settle in his lap. As of now, Blake was straddling the alpha, while the other put his head on the younger one's chest. The touch was needed to feel the solace at the moment and none of them denied it.

"Once there was a small pack of werewolves in deep down the forest" he started.

"Oh, a fantasy one"

"Uh-huh," Blake rubbed his mate's back asking him to continue. "The pack barely had any members, the toughest one became the alpha, his best friend was announced the beta followed by few warriors. Slowly, the pack began to extend. The alpha found his mate at some time and so did the beta. They even had their first child with a mere gap of days. The firstborn of the alpha was named Easton, and the firstborn of the beta was named Duncan" his voice hitched taking out the name.


"The alpha's kid was rude, arrogant, and disciplined. But, the beta one was soft, idiotic and stupid" which made Blake laugh. "Everything the beta kid used to do would make more work for the alpha kid to cover up for. But, they were perfect for each other, as the best duo completed each other. But, one day......"

*A deep breath*

"One day, the pack was attacked by then enemies, the vampires. The adults were given the duty to guard while the children do be sitting in the basement" he frantically shivers to recall the moment. "Duncan and I also were not allowed to exit out of the cellar. Duncan did obey and stayed back but my young alpha self wanted to do something, something to prove I was an alpha kid and I can stand up for myself. So I sneaked out of the cellar holding Duncan's hand. When we reached the grounds that were shed with blood, the actual terror was then understood. My father and mother were fighting to the end of the ground and so were Duncan's. And then a vampire with his fangs dripped in blood, walked towards us. His eyes were red with bloodthirst as he proceeded onto us like a hunter and its prey. Duncan pushed me to his back and stood there to save me, as he promised to whenever we played the "pack" game. A fourteen-year boy with such a brave heart, huh?" the alpha's eyes glistened with tears.

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