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Clair's pov:
When we drove up the long driveway I am completely shocked at how they decorated all the trees there. They all have fairy lights in it as well as Ballons with congrats on it. Those three really overdid it with all of that. Even mom looks shell shocked at how much work they put into it!
„It looks really pretty!" I softly whisper in complete awe.
„You really need to thank those three wonderful woman. It looks stunning!" mom says with a wide smile on her face. When we stop the car my door gets thrown open right away. Rosie is the first to cuddle me into her chest while she congratulates me happily.
„Thank you. And thank you three for all the decorations! It looks really incredible!!" I thank her and her two mates who smile widely at me and Rosie.
„Of Course Clair! Come here." Esme says and pulls me into a loving hug followed by Alice.
„I already saw that you will love the decorations, so I thought why not go all out for this birthday. It's a special one." Alice says and whispers the last part into my ear so no one else will hear us. To be honest i am not that surprised that she already saw that I plan on getting changed at the end of the day. She after all has visions too. What I however hope is that she was able to hide it from Edward since I want to surprise them.
„Don't worry, no one knows." she adds after she saw my face which calms me right down again and pull her into a hug again.
„Princess? Are you coming?" Jasper asks me and holds out his hand to mine. So after once again thanking the three lovely girls I take Jaspers hand with an excited giggle.
„Let's get inside. The others already went ahead of us." he softly explains because we suddenly are standing outside alone. Not that I mind, it's just confusing since normally at least all of my mates would of stayed.
„I wanted to give you your birthday present first. That is if that's alright with you princess?" he questions slightly unsure if I would be fine with it.
„Why shouldn't I be ok with it?" i ask him with a giggle to make him relax once again which he luckily does right away. His face brightens with a wide smile as he softly pecks my lips.
„I hope you will like it." he whispers shyly as he hands me a small pink box with a small red ribbon on the top. Carefully taking it into my hands with a soft smile. Slowly I get the wrapping paper off of the box to reveal a black shiny jewelry box. I was already getting ready to slightly scold him for spending this much money on me, but when I see his hopeful eyes I decide to stay quiet. It would be cruel to scold him for the fact alone that he did buy me something expensive. It's his way of showing me his love, that's what he has been telling me ever since he started to gift me small things from time to time. So after taking a deep breath, I shakily open the box only to gasp in shock. There in it is a very delicate bracelet, very similar to the one the twins gave me. It also has a small crown pendant on it.
„Turn it over." Jasper whispers encouragingly. So I do, carefully since I definitely don't want to loose it or even worse break it somehow. When I however read the small engraved words I can feel tears building in my eyes.
„Thank you so much!" I whimper out in between choked up tears. Jasper quickly pulls his arms around me and nuzzles my neck lovingly.
„You are very welcome Princess. I love you, so I wanted to make sure you know that at absolutely every second of the day!" he answers me as his purring slowly helps me calm down again.
„I love you too. So incredibly much." I whisper still not ready to let go of his tight hug.
„Can I put it on you?" he softly asks after kissing my head lovingly. Of course I nod my head right away! Who wouldn't let their mate put on such a sweet bracelet on it. Right now I don't even care how expensive it might has been. Finding it way too sweet to even ask about anything like that! Softly he closes the bracelet on my arm which makes it hug my other bracelet. And other than I thought, it looks even more precious on my arm as in the box.
„I should get you up to Emmet now." he says after a heavy sigh. So as I turn around I see Emmet waiting a few steps further up. Jasper once more kisses my lips lovingly before he walks me towards his brother and after one more sweet kiss, he was gone. Pouting slightly at his quick leave. Especially since we just had a very sweet moment together.
„No need to pout my love. We only discussed to hand over our birthday gifts to you one after the other. So we will all be waiting upstairs for you." he explains as he holds my head softly in his hands. At hearing that I smile shyly, they truly are the best mates anyone could ever ask for. With that in mind I cuddle myself into his chest.
„I want to wish you once again a wonderful birthday my love." he says and holds out a small box with red wrapping paper and a red ribbon. Just the opposite as Jasper has just given to me. With a thankful smile, I take his gift and slowly unwrap it. Just like before it's a small black jewelry box.
„You guys shouldn't of bought me something this expensive." I whisper feeling slightly unworthy of their expensive gifts.
„We know that you didn't wanted us to my love, but we wanted to. So please open it. If you really don't like it, we can still exchange it." Emmet sadly stammers which makes me feel like an asshole. I should of simply stayed quiet!
„That's not what i mean Emmet! I know that I will love it, I just feel weird that you spend this much money on me. I love you! And having you by my side is gift enough for me." I explain and kiss his cheeks lovingly. Hoping he will cheer up again which he thankfully does.
„We Love you too. That's why we want to shower you with gifts. We also have more than enough money to do so, so no need to worry about any prices. Ok?" he softly explains and asks so with one more nod from my side, he smiles widely at me.
„Good, and now open up your present!" he encouragingly says which makes me giggle. So with a small smile plastered on my face I open the box to gasp yet again. In it is a small Heart pendant within a Heart. It looks breathtaking! Since I know how Jasper had engraved his one, I turn over emmets heart too. My eyes once more tear up. Those words just stuck to my heart that much and they mean so much more to me than any other gifts ever could!
„I love you!" I say and hug him tightly to which he simply humms.
„I love you too!" he whispers back and sways is side to side. When he pulls away slightly he kisses my lips once more lovingly.
„Let me add it to Jaspers bracelet." he whispers with shining eyes that I like it this much.
„I should get you to Edward now. He is already looking impatiently at me." he whispers in my ear with a low chuckle to which I simply join in. Loving how he always is this carefree! So after he kisses me once more, he walks me towards Edward. Let's see what he has in store for me....

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