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Clair's pov:
A loud ringing is waking my wonderful sleep. Ugh, that's the reason why I do hate alarm clocks that much. Whoever invented them must have been a real jerk.
„Sweetheart you need to get up or you will be late for your first day in school." mom calls from somewhere in the house. So after a displeased sigh, I stretch myself and slowly untangle myself from the blanket. Still rather tired from unboxing all my belongings until 2 am in the morning, I go towards my bathroom to quickly shower. Hopefully that will help wake me up some more.
After a quick and honestly refreshing shower I step out of my bathroom completely dressed and ready for my first day at a new school. Or as I like to call it, hell hole.
„Good morning mom." I say and kiss her cheek as I walk past her sitting Form on the breakfast bar.
„Good morning Clair. Did you sleep alright?" she asks me with her eyes burning a whole in my head. Instead of answering her right away, I fill my cup to go with the freshly brewed coffee and add some scoops of sugar into it.
„I did surprisingly. How about you?" I answer as I turn around to face her. Her face brightens in joy at hearing that.
„I am happy to hear that sweetheart! And I slept good too. Guess all those green around here soothes both our nerves." She reply's and points at the plate with fried eggs and bacon next to her seat. Knowing her long enough, I know she won't let me leave this house before eating breakfast. Which in her mind is the most important meal in the day. So with a small smile towards her, I take a seat and start to eat.
„I have a small surprise for you after you are finished with your food." mom says rather excited which scares me a little. Her surprises are rather unpredictable. Well, that's the nice way to say it at least. Of course she saw my grimace to which she only roles her eyes at me.
„You will like this one!" she states pretty sure about it herself. Not just yet ready to face another life changing thing, I keep on eating. It's way to early to worry myself already. After all I am still at home and not at school!
„Come on! I can't wait to see your face!" mom nearly squeals in excitement after I put the last piece of egg in my mouth. Well, here goes nothing, i think and follow after my hyper mom. When she pulls open the front door, only to reveal a beautiful black Audi, i am in shock.
„Don't look like that! It's yours! You always wanted one or did I pick the wrong one?" mom says becoming slightly unsure if she might have bought the wrong one by mistake. Slowly my brain starts to understand that my mother truly just gifted me my absolute dream car. Not that I do know much about cars, but this one looks so incredibly good that even I can appreciate it.
„You are amazing mom!" I nearly shout in joy and hug my mother in thanks. At hearing that she laughs happily as well.
„You are more than welcome Sweetheart!" she says and hands me my keys to my first car.
„Just promise me to drive safely! I don't want to get a call from someone that you got into an accident!" she worriedly and strictly says. Of course I right away promise to do my very best to be extra careful around here. The streets here surely are pretty slippery compared to the Vegas ones. Other than there the streets here are wet at all times.
„I should drive to school now. Thanks again mom!" I say after a heavy sigh. Not happy at all to have to go to school. I would much more prefer to do online schooling but my mother insists I go there in person so I at least have some human contact with people other than her.
„Don't frown Clair. Maybe you will be able to make some friends in this school. I heard a lot of good things about it." she encouragingly says. So for her benefit I smile at her. Already knowing that the chances are very slim that anyone of those new teens will accept me. I after all have a very old soul. At least that's what my mom has told me since I was little. Laying my backpack on the passenger seat, I wave at my mom who is still watching me from the porch. Afterwards I turn the key and the engine rumbles to life which makes me smile widely. The sound alone is incredible! Slowly i get accustomed with all the buttons and turn the radio to one of my favorite stations before I pull out of our driveway and towards the hell hole, better known as school I guess.
When I pull up in front of the school I am pleased to find a few parking spots still empty as well as very little students still out front. So without any trouble I pull into one and turn off the engine. Already feeling eyes staring at me. Gosh, can't they just drop it already? I mean, yes I am the new student and all but starring is highly disrespectful. Haven't they got taught that? With one more deep breath I grab my backpack and get out of my new baby that I love already dearly.
„Hey. Sorry if I am bothering you, but you might want to park somewhere else." a girl my age says softly. She however seems nice and as if she feels rather uncomfortable about telling me that. My confused face must of spoken volume as she goes on with her explanation without me even needing to say anything.
„That spot is taken by one of the Cullens. They always park next to one another. So you really should park maybe over there." she says while twirling her fingers. Just as I wanted to reply to her I hear a couple of cars come closer towards us. One quickly parks next to us and one stops right behind mine. Seeing the girls face panic a little makes me guess that those are the earlier mentioned Cullens. Hearing a throat getting cleared in annoyance from behind me makes me turn around. Already rather mad at whoever stands there. This damn parking spot belongs to no one but the school, so whoever gets here first parks here. It's that easy.
„Yes?" I ask while turning. When my eyes however make contact with one of the most beautifulest man I have ever seen, my brain stops to work. At least for a second. When I however remember the reason why I even turned around I lift one of my eyebrows at the man. Waiting for an answer.

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