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Clair's pov:
When the annoying and way too loud bell finally rings a relieved sigh leaves my lips. Other than in my other classes I quickly grab my stuff and hurry out of here. Not wanting to stay anywhere near this strange teacher a second longer. Carefully I lay my stuff down on a window sill to look for my next lesson, which to my joy is lunch. So at least there won't be another teacher like that anywhere near by.
„Well, if it isn't the new girl who thinks she is all better than us." a voice sneers at me from behind me. Not liking to have my back towards a possible threat, I turn around, of course making sure to take all my stuff in my arms again before doing so.
„Listen! We have been trying to get together with Edward, Jasper and Emmet for years now! so back off. They belong with us!" the same voice says. Seemingly belonging to a pale looking girl with long hazelnut hair. Her brown eyes shining in hatred towards me while I don't understand what their problem is. Those three boys have simply been nice towards me and helped me find my way around this damn maze of a school.
„Don't Act all innocent, we know exactly what you are doing you little whore!" the blonde girl to the other ones right sneers after watching my reaction. Since I don't know what I should be doing right now, I simply stay quiet in the hope that they will leave me be in no time. When I however see the first one step closer towards me with a furious face I brace myself for a fight.
„Here you are darling!" Edward says with a tight smile that doesn't reach his eyes says as he steps towards me and effectively turns me around so he is now in between those girls and me.
„Come on, its lunch time. Let's go and get some food." he softly says, even going as far as kissing my forehead lovingly. Of course I blush crimson red right away. He softly intertwines our fingers together and starts to walk towards the cafeteria, at least that's my guess.
„Edward Baby! Why don't you forget about this worthless thing and instead come with me. I am sure I can show you a much better time than she ever could." the first one says and quit literally throws herself at him. At least she tries since Edward Quicker than it should be possible, takes a step to the side so she won't be able to touch him.
„For the last time Isabella! I am not Your Baby and I never will be! and you better fucking stay away from my girlfriend or so help me god you will regret it!" he furiously tells her. And I might hallucinate again, but just like earlier in the classroom I think I hear a threatening growl coming from him as well. Shaking my head at my own dumb thought. Still I need to thank him later on for helping me out with those girls. And I do have to say that I loved how he said I am his girlfriend. Of course I know that it only was a bluff to get them to back off, still it felt amazingly. Not that I will ever tell anyone that I feel that way!
„Come on. Are you really attracted to this?" this Isabella questions with a disgusted hand movement towards me. Normally it wouldn't hurt as badly to get this degraded but somehow her tone of voice makes it al much worse. It's not like I don't know that I am at best average but right now I feel like the scum on this planet. A tight embrace though helps me swallow down those negative thought rather quickly.
„Watch your damn mouth! She is way better than you or any of your slutty friends ever will be. So shut up and let us be!" Edward now furiously growls out. And this time I am a hundred percent sure that he did in fact growl. Even Isabella and her friend quickly take a few steps away from us. Feeling Edward slightly tremble against my side I softly hug myself into him. It's the least I can do, after all he saved me from those nasty girls.
„Let's Go Darling. My siblings are already waiting for us." he says after breathing in my scent a few times. I don't care though, if this helps him calm down than I am fine with it. As he slowly starts to walk with me still cuddled into his side I suddenly remember that I forgot about Angela! The sweet girl had been nothing but nice towards me, so I feel rather rude for running off like this without even a word to her. Edward must of felt me stiffen slightly as well as figure out what I am thinking off since his calm voice softly explains to me that Angela has lunch now too and that Emmet and Jasper already went ahead with her. A heavy sigh leaves my lip in relieve that she didn't simply got left behind. It's bad enough that I left her behind! With that in mind I make myself a note to apologize to her when I see her at lunch!
„Just a small heads up, the cafeteria is going to be pretty noisy. I only want to warn you beforehand since I saw you jump slightly every time the bell rang." Edward softly says. He doesn't make fun of my obvious jumpiness from loud noises though which is a really nice contrast to everyone in those other schools. Now, with the knowledge of stepping into a noisy environment, I can at least brace myself for it.
„Thanks for the heads up." I say thankfully. Truly appreciating his thoughtfulness. Just then we turn the last corner to see the cafeteria where I can hear already the loud chatter from the other students. Taking one more deep breath to brace myself for the shouting people all around there before we step into the cafeteria. The second we do that though, the whole cafeteria quietens down completely. So much so we surely would be able to hear a pin drop in here! They all are staring in astonishment and jealousy at us. Only then do I remember that I still am cuddled tightly into Edwards side, he however doesn't seem to care at all. Nor does he pay any of them his mind. Taking that as my lead, I simply keep on walking along with him. Who cares what they are going to think. I surely don't care at all. After all I know that he only proves a point for Isabella and her clique. When we come closer to the table Angela and my guess the rest of his siblings are sitting at. A pixie cut girl throws her arms around me with a wide smile.
„It's so nice to meet you in person! My brothers haven't stopped talking about you since we came to school today!" she says rather excitedly. Nearly overwhelming me with her happiness. She doesn't act like we just met one another at all, rather like we know each other for years. Seems like this whole family is kind of strange. Really sweet and caring but still a bit strange. Angela only looks at me with a smile but I still can see how she as well is a bit overwhelmed with their behavior.
„I already got you some of the food. Hope you don't mind." Jasper says a bit shy as he points towards the food tray laying next to him. A bit irritated that he would buy me my food but thankful none the less, I take a seat next to him.
„Thank you Jasper. That was really sweet of you." I answer him and see him beam happily at me. This lunch break surely is going to become interesting!

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