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Clair's pov:
A heavy sigh leaves my lips as the final bell rang. Finally this long school day is over and done with. I on one hand am absolutely happy about it, but on the other one I am pretty sad that I will now have to go back to an empty house.
„What's the matter princess?" Jasper questions as he sees me step out of the changing room with slightly slouched shoulders. To be honest I am shocked that he even picked up on my mood since not even my mom seems to see through my fake smile. Shaking my head a bit to get out of my head again.
„Nothing. No need to worry Jasper." I say and kiss his cheek lovingly. Just like whenever I touch one of them a soft shock wave runs through my body which I slowly start to love! The happy smile that plastered itself on his face at my foreword move, makes my stomach flutter in joy. His smile is so blinding and perfect! This whole day he only smiled for a second before his kind of indifferent face got back. Of course I still saw his emotions in those animated eyes of his. Still, to see him with such a wide smile. It's, I can't even describe how it makes me feel. It's like I just won the lottery and it also makes me want to make him smile like this all the time! When a phone starts to ring I even needed a minute before realizing that it's mine. Thats just how unbelievable focused I was on Jaspers smile.
„Hello mom." I say with tinted cheeks. Hearing the heavy sigh on the other end makes my eyebrows raise and my happy mood vanish instantly. Her sighing on the phone is never a good sign.
„Hey Sweetheart! How was school?" she asks but I can hear that tone that only makes the uneasy feeling get worse.
„What is it mom? Just say it." I say with worry. The last time she sounded like that we moved within a day! And this is the first time ever that this thought frightens me! For the first time in my life I feel like I found where I belong! So what if she really wants to move again? Especially since we only just got here? And that I found some really amazing people here!
„Nothing like last time Sweetheart." she says. Obviously guessing where my mind has gone to right away.
„What is it then?" I ask still unsure what the bad news might be. Jasper, who still was standing close next to me pulls me into his chest which soothes me rather quickly.
„I only just found out that I need to do a 24 hour shift. I really am sorry sweetheart! I after all know how much you hate sleeping in an empty house. And then for our second night here already!" she says in regret. Sighing softly at that information. This isn't like i have been picturing our second night here. That night usually is spent together to get accustomed to the new environment and also to not forget that no matter where we move to, our love for each other will never change. So this is a sad change of plans, still way better than a move would of been.
„Clair? Are you still there?" mom asks slightly panicked that I simply hung up on her.
„I am." I say and sigh once again.
„I understand that you need to stay at work. Just shocked me a little since it collides with our usual tradition." I say feeling down that this will end our year long and enjoyable tradition. I can already picture her guilty face in front of me. She knows how much I enjoy this evenings. It after all sadly is very rarely that we spent evenings together with her working hours and how often she gets called in for emergency surgeries where she is needed since she is the best at her job.
„i really am sorry sweetheart! Maybe I can change a shift with a coworker. I promise I try. I also am not happy at all to end this lovely tradition we have. Especially since I know how much it means to you." she says hopeful. But we both know that there is a very slim chance that someone will offer to do the night shift instead for her. Everyone hates that shift and it's understandable. There are hardly any doctors in the hospitals at this time and that means the few who are still there run from one patient to the other in complete hectic. My facial expression surely also shows my devastation by now.
„It's ok mom. We both know that no one will take your shift. Maybe we can postpone for tomorrow evening." i say trying to sound not as sad as i truly am. It's not her fault that they right away gave her that shift instead of the usual 12 hours. So why should I make her feel even worse than she surely already is?
„Maybe you are right but I still will try my luck!" she says determined. I can hear someone talking to her in the background so this call surely will end now too. That much for spending more quality time together.
„I will try sweetheart! I love you I hope you know that!" she says softly. And i do have to say it feels nice to hear her sentiment.
„I love you too mom. Go and save the world." I say and hear her giggle in reply.
„Will do my best sweetheart!" she says as another voice calls her name. This however makes me remember Emmets earlier question. Maybe if I already have to spend the night alone I can meet up with him and his family till later today.
„Can I maybe drive to a friends house later on? Only for a bit of course." I ask her quickly.
„Wait? You made a friend?" she asks me excitedly. Knowing her she surely is jumping up and down right now in joy that I for once made some friends.
„Yeah, I made some friends here. So can I? Please?" I answer her hopeful that she will be fine with it. A loud squeal came through the line and I simply shake my head at her with a soft smile. My mom is just awesome. A bit weird but awesome none the less!
„Of Course you can! I can't wait to meet them sweetheart!!" she answers giddily.
„Thank you mom. I am sure you will like them too." I answer her still with a soft smile on my lips. At least now I can spend some more time with this really amazing family! Especially with those three boys that make my heart go crazy!„I bet I will. I will call you later and I also will try my luck around here. Love you Sweetheart!" she says and shortly after hung up her phone.
„Is everything ok darling?" Edward asks me with a small frown just like all his siblings that somehow all gathered around Jasper and I now too. Taking a deep breath I nod slowly.
„Yeah. My mom only called to tell me that she sadly got the night shift too which collides with our tradition of spending the evening together after the move." I explain softly. Pretty sure that they won't understand how something like this is so important to me. But other than expected their frowns only deepen at hearing that.
„Thats sad princess. Maybe she can switch her shift with a co worker?" Jasper asks quietly. This however only makes me sigh heavily.
„I am pretty sure no one would do that. She is a surgeon and as far as I learned, doctors hate the night shifts." I say and shrug my shoulder to make it look like I don't care as much as I actually do. That statement however makes them smile widely at me. The heck is so funny about my sorrow!? Just as I wanted to open my mouth to say something rude, Emmet answers my unasked question.
„Maybe our dad can take her shift. We could ask him when we get back from school?" Emmet says sounding rather pleased with his statement it seems. At hearing that, my face slowly starts to form a smile again. This at least is a small shimmer of hope that their dad would be this generous!
„You could even ask him yourself if you come over?" Jasper says and kisses my forehead softly. Nodding my head in reply, this sounds like a good idea. That way I can explain to him how much this would mean to us! And in exchange I could offer some help with anything or maybe bake something for them!?
„Well, that's decided then!" Rosalie states with a wide smile on her beautiful face as she links her arm with mine. Much to jaspers annoyance I might add.
„Are you going to drive after us or should we take you with us and get your car later?" Alice asks me with the same wide smile as her sister. Shrugging at them in answer, not caring that much about it. When I however think about it, i guess it would be easier for them if I drive myself. So with that in mind I tell them that they should lead the way while I follow after them.

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