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Clair's pov:
When we leave the restaurant, Alec along with Aman were already waiting for us. Seeing Alec standing there makes me smile widely. After all I haven't really thanked him for his help with Isabella earlier.
„Alec!" i say and quickly hug him. Like I already said, somehow Alec and Jane feel like family to me.
„Hey Cutie." he says and hugs me back softly.
„Are you really ok? That thing hasn't hurt you? Right?" he asks me as his eyes become worried by the possibility alone. Not wanting him to worry any longer I quickly shake my head in reply.
„She didn't. Don't worry Alec. You and Aman came right at the perfect time." I add and get pulled even tighter into his chest.
„That's Good." he mumbles and sighs in relief. Looking slightly around us, I frown slightly. Normally Jane and Alec are never apart so it's irritating that I can't see her anywhere near by.
„Jane sadly had to leave a bit earlier. But she surely is going to come to your house now too." Alec explains. Seemingly realizing right away who I am looking for. Giggling slightly at that fact. Those two really know me a lot already and that even though we only just met!
„Oh." i softly say in understanding.
„Sweetheart? Are you coming?" mom asks me slightly surprised that I left her and Marcus as we were on our way to the car.
„Or would you like to go with your friend instead?" she adds after smiling at Alec since she sees how careful he hugs me to not hurt me.
„Can I?" I ask Alec. After all not knowing if they even drove here or run instead. The privilege of a vampire I guess.
„Of Course. If your mother and Marcus are fine with it then sure!" he says with an excited smile. Obviously happy that I could go with him instead.
„I see the two of you back at home then. And you better make sure my daughter gets there in one piece young man." mom says and humorously threatening a still smiling Alec.
„Of course madam."he replies with assurance. So after one more wave towards the two lovebirds, Alec starts to lead me towards a sleek black car.
„Fancy!" I say with a giggle as Aman waves at us as well before he ran off. Guess he doesn't enjoy car rides.
„I know!" Alec says after shaking his head slightly. He seems to be as old school as Marcus is since he opened up the door for me.
„Thank you!" i say with another giggle. Really enjoying his company.
„Did you buckle up?" he softly says as he looks himself to make sure while I only role my eyes at his overprotective behavior.
„Hey! I promised your mother to get you back in one piece." he says with a whine that I make fun of him. But I can clearly see that he knows that I didn't meant it mockingly.
„Why did Janie have to leave earlier?" I ask him curious as he starts the drive back to my house. What I wasn't expecting though, was for him to study me with a nervous look. His fingers turning even whiter as his hold on the steering wheel tightened.
„I don't know how to tell you without frightening you or even worse make you hate me." he says with a low whine. His eyes tearing up as well. Absolutely hating to see him like this as well as finding it hilarious that he truly thinks anything could make me hate him I simply take one of his hands in mine.
„Can you stop the car real quick Alec? I want to talk with you and I want to make sure you fully understand what I am saying." I softly say and see his shoulders stiffen even more. He obviously thinks I am mad or pissed at him. Which is the farthest from the truth. When the car stopped on the side of the road he slowly turns towards me. Seeing him like this really hurts. So to make sure that he realizes that I am definitely NOT mad at him, I take his second hand in mine as well.
„Please look at me Alec." i whisper since his head is bowed. His whole demeanor like a scolded child and not from a strong vampire. When his eyes finally find mine, I smile reassuringly at him.
„Nothing will ever make me hate you! You hear me Alec? Nothing! So please don't look so frightened and unsure. I like you and your sister a lot! For me you are a part of my family, just like I am a part of yours. That's why you guys gifted me this bracelet here." I softly explain and see how the panic slowly leaves his body. And the moment I mentioned the really beautiful bracelet, he pulls me into a tight hug.
„Thank you so much!" he whimpers into my neck as his shoulders shake slightly.
„Of Course. And if you don't want to tell me, than that's totally ok. Just please don't worry so much about me not liking you or being terrified of you. I know how sweet you and Janie truly are and I really love you guys for that. So please relax." I quietly tell him and feel as he lets go more and more from his fright and instead seems to cheer right up at what I have told him. Which I really hope since I really do see him as my family and in my books, family always comes first and always needs to stick together.
„You have no idea how much this means to me and Jane. No one ever really cared for us. Till now nearly no one even tried to get to know us. Yet you right away welcomed us with open arms and accepted us like we are." he softly explains and my heart really sinks at that information. How could no one ever take the time to spend time with them to really get to know the two of them. I honestly never met anyone as generous and sweet as those two. So it definitely makes me furious that no one ever treated them like they belong. But that is going to change for sure, because now they have me and I will make sure they get treated like they deserve to.
„Well, now you have someone that does care! A lot even! So no more need to feel sad or lonely! Whenever you start to feel like that, the two of you right away come to me so I can do my very best to make you happy again!" I simply tell him and finally get a really wide smile back from him!
„Thank you!" he says and softly hugs me again before he leans back and starts the car.
„We better get driving or your mother will scold me for sure!" he says with a chuckle as the engine roars up. Giggling along with him, after all I know that he is completely right. Mom will definitely be waiting for us and she tends to be impatient.

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