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"Ouch." I whispered, bringing my freshly pricked thumb to my lips to suck off the bead of blood that had begun to form. I silently cursed myself for agreeing to help Serena in the garden this morning. Neither of us had particularly green thumbs but Serena had decided three weeks ago that she wanted to give gardening a shot. Claiming to want a new, quiet activity that would get us both outside to be at peace with nature.

The only issue being that nature wasn't exactly at peace with me.

Of course the flower Serena wanted to have the most was a classic rose. Only she wasn't the one who now had to plant them, instead delegating that task to me.

I didn't come out here with intention of gardening myself, I just wanted to say 'good morning' since I was up. Obviously things didn't work out my way. Serena was so enthused I had come out here to help that I didn't have the heart to correct her.

I sat back on my heals, wiping the sweat off my brow. The action no doubt only managing to spread more dirt around my face.

We had been out here for hours now, the sun out in full effect. The summer season was supposed to be nearing its end but apparently mother nature had yet to get the memo.

I grimaced down at the flower before me. I couldn't understand why we were planting these now, with autumn and then winter just around the corner. Regardless I would do what would make Serena happy without arguing.

I guess it was good to have the distraction after yesterday.

Knox was beginning to consume my mind. The time we spent at the park was the most peaceful I've felt in a long time - certainly more peaceful than I felt gardening at this moment. Even our conversation in the car couldn't take away from the enjoyment I felt.

Truly I wasn't upset about that conversation, either.

If anything, I was mainly embarrassed. The fact that I had even let myself ask him those questions were humiliating enough. So much so that the thought of facing him again tomorrow made my skin heat up.

"What do you say we call it a day and I make us some lemonade?" Serena called from a few planters away.

I nodded as enthusiastically as the heat exhaustion would allow me to.

"I'm going to shower." I breathed, dragging myself to my feet.

Serena nodded her head, only steps behind me as I headed inside.

I sighed, letting myself fall onto my bed with my arms spread wide, landing on my stomach. The coolness of my now wet hair almost making me flinch as it came to rest against my still sun-warmed skin. This feeling after my shower had made gardening all morning well worth it. Maybe Serena wasn't so wrong about needing that peaceful outside activity after all.

The soft chime of my phone quickly drew my attention.

I sat up, staring at my phone where it had rested on my nightstand all morning. I could feel my heart rate picking up already. Only two people had my phone number and Serena certainly had no reason to text when her shouts could easily be heard by me from the down stairs.

Snatching it off my nightstand, my breathing hitched as Knox's name flashed on my screen.

"You busy?" He asked.

My fingers tingled like the buzz of tv static as I replied 'no.'

"I'm picking you up." He said.

It wasn't a question but I liked the text message as confirmation anyways. Letting out a steady breath, I rushed to my closet to start getting dressed. Blindly grabbing the first things I touched, I ended up in a white knitted tank top and my favorite pair of jean shorts. Slipping my feet into my normal white sneakers, I gave my hair one more quick brush.

Knox's Little AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now