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"So you're living with him now?" Scott had been weird all morning since I told him I'd moved in with Grey and that that was part of the reasons I was absent the day before.

"Yes" I said through my teeth, glaring at him to shut up. I had a hard enough time in Chemistry without having him distracting me.

The door to the class opened and in walked the short, stocky principal.

"Mr. Radcliffe! What brings you here?" The chemistry teacher exclaimed.

He looked around the class, "Mrs. Woodworth please excuse Miss Finely" he looked at me, "some people are here for her."

My head shot me. Back up. Did he just say...

I looked around and everybody's eyes were on me, the principal waiting at the door.

"Who's looking for you?" Scott whispered.

I shrugged as I hastily stuffed my book into my bag, "I have no idea"

I got up and followed the principal out of the classroom and down the hall. He didn't speak to me or even look at me.

"Who is- Who is looking for me, sir?" He didn't answer as he strode ahead.

Dang, how did such a short man walk so fast??

We finally got to his office and walked in. I stopped at the door once I saw who was inside.

Both my parents were seated in front of the principal's desk and there were two other men in police uniforms in the office.

"Come in, miss" said one of the officers before turning to my parents, "Is this your daughter?"

I slowly walked in and shut the door behind me, my heart thumping.

My father looked at me, a sneer on his face "It's her".

The officer nodded, "And what is the name of the man who kidnapped her?"

"He didn't kidnap me!" I spoke for the first time since I had entered the room.

They ignored me, "She called him...some stupid colour. Grey, was it?"

Both officers' and the principal's heads shot up and their eyes widened. "Grey?" One of the officers echoed.

As if he heard his name, the door burst open and it was Grey. "What's going on here?"

The principal who had been lounging on his chair and looking bored stood up suddenly, upsetting most of what was on his desk.

Grey looked around the room, his mouth in a tight, thin line before directing at the policemen and Radcliffe "May I talk to you outside?".

They all nodded and followed Grey out of the room. I was left alone with my parents and the silence could kill.

"Well, your little boyfriend will be spending the night in jail and you," my father grinned, "will be coming home with us."


Grey was 18, his birthday had been at the beginning of September, before we met. That means if my parents accused him of kidnapping me, he would be treated as an adult.

"Mum" my mother had not looked at me since I entered the room, "please, do something. You know he didn't kidnap me."

She still refused to look at me. Well, they were dumb if they thought I was going to let Grey go to jail without doing something. I had begun to form a plan in my mind when the door opened and Grey said, "Gracie, let's go."

"What?" My father and I said in unison, him rising out of his chair.

Grey ignored him and took my hand, "come on"

My father pulled my hand out of Grey's, "where do you think you're taking my daughter. You don't seem to realise the amount of trouble you're in, young man."

He looked at the police men, "what are you waiting for? Arrest him!"

"I'm sorry but we can't do that, sir." Officer 1 said, "but you will have to come down to the station with us for false accusations".

Grey took my hand again, "come on"

This time I went with him. Scott pushed himself off the wall he had been leaning on when we came out.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He sounded concerned.

I smiled, "I'm fine. Don't worry."

Grey left my hand and instead wrapped his arms around my shoulder and even without looking at him, I knew he was glaring at Scott.

"Let's go," Grey said, "do you want to be here when he comes out?" He was referring to my father and I shuddered. I definitely did not.

Super short chapter...really busy guys! Xoxo.

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