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I was cold and my head was pounding from all the yelling I’d done when I first woke up. I had yelled and screamed for God knows how long before the person in the cell opposite mine had chucked a wooden spoon through the bars at my head and told me to shut up.

After that, I had leaned against the filthy concrete wall and thought about what had happened. Ciara had kidnapped me. I found it hilarious. Grey had warned me to stay away from her but had brought her over just because I had asked him to, and she stuck a needle in my arm.

I hadn’t seen anybody since I woke up; just the girl in the cell opposite mine but it was dark so I couldn’t see even her properly. It seemed as if we were in some kind of prison with rows of cells on each side. I didn’t know exactly how many cells there were, but the place stunk to the high heavens, so I assumed there had to be at least a few people locked up. 

A door clanged open and the lights went on, making me jump. I heard heavy footsteps coming down the narrow path between the two rows of cells. They walked until they stopped in front of mine. The huge man brought out a bunch of keys and stuck one in the lock of the bars. The door slid open with a squeal. I shrank back, hoping to disappear into the wall. 

No such luck however, the man walked in and pulled me up by my arm. His grip was tight, and I knew there would be a red handprint later. 

“Please, please, where are you taking me?” The man ignored me, dragging me out of the cell and down the path. There was a door at the end with another man guarding it. The man opened the door, and I was dragged out, up a flight of stairs, and out another door opened by another guard. 

We entered the main house and headed towards an elevator.

“Please, I beg you. Don’t take me. Please!!!!” I screamed, digging my heels into the ground, trying to pull out of his grasp.

The elevator dinged and slid open. The man looked at me and sneered before throwing my inside and getting in after me. There were five buttons on the wall, a blank one at the very bottom which is where were I assumed we were, then 1, 2, 3, and then another blank one at the top. The man pressed the 3 and then we waited, me with tears streaming down my face and him, looking as if he’d rather be doing literally anything else. 

The elevator went past the other floors quickly, not stopping to let anybody on and then we were on the third floor. The man gripped my arm again and dragged me off. It was nicer up here, marble floors and high ceilings. There were a row of doors and I was dragged to the last one. 

There were two men standing outside the door who one dragging me nodded curtly to before knocking. A muffled voice came from inside and the guy dragging me swung the door open.

The room was brightly lit with large windows overlooking what looked like a field. My eyes widened as I noticed who was in the room. 

“You?” I shook, not believing what I was seeing.

His bright blue eyes stared at me, unblinking, unfazed. 

“Shut the door” he said, and I heard the door click shut behind me.

“You had me kidnapped?” he sipped out of the glass in his hand, ignoring me, “Scott!”

“Ah I see our human friend has arrived”, another man came striding into the room from a door behind the desk and Scott stood up.

The man was tall with large muscles rippling through the shirt he was wearing. His head was shiny and bald, but he didn’t look much older than Grey.

He smiled, showing white teeth as he made his way towards me. I tried to step back but the guy that had dragged me here still had a tight grip on me and he shoved me forwards instead.  The man stopped in front of me, looking down at me as I tried to look anywhere else but him. 

“Curt, leave”. The guy holding me who apparently was Curt let my arm go and I heard him leave the room. 

The man in front of me began walking around me, eyeing me like I was a cow he was considering buying. He came to stand in front of me again and I still refused to meet his gaze. His hand came up and touched my face and I immediately flinched, leaning out of his grasp. 

He grabbed my face and jerked it upwards, holding it in place. 

“She’s not much, a little juvenile human. But her eyes, they-”

I saw Scott nodding out of the corner of my eye, “Yeah. Her eyes. I noticed.”

They were speaking as if I wasn’t in the room, like I didn’t exist. Like I was a literal slab of meat.

“Who are you?” My voice wavered.

He laughed, finally letting go of my face and heading to the seat behind the desk, “Darling I go by numerous names, Alpha, Chosen One, Eric- “

I interrupted, “Wait, you are the chosen one?” Grey hadn’t told me a lot about the chosen one. Actually, he had only told me the bare minimum, insisting that I shouldn’t worry about it.

He growled, “Never interrupt me human”.

I immediately shut my mouth and watched him, Scott had sat down and was still not looking at me. His glass was now drained.

Eric ran his eyes over me once again from where he sat, “Of course, she’ll need to be bred and trained to our standards before the mating”.

“Mating?” My voice came out slightly above a whisper.

“Of course, darling, you and I are to be mated at the next full moon”

I felt faint, “What? No!”

He laughed, loud and long, “It’s cute that you believe you have a choice. Curt!”

The door opened and Curt walked in, “Back to the dungeons” I was dismissed.

I felt my arm being grabbed again, “Scott!! Scott please!!! Please, do something! Scott!”

He didn’t even look my way, deep in conversation with Eric.

It was like I didn’t exist.
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